Chapter 12

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(Erwin's POV)

I couldn't sleep, no matter how hard I try to think about it I just couldn't close my eyes and forget about it. I am very certain that (Y/N)had opened my journal and has read into it. Because 1, who else was in the room when it got damaged? and 2, why did the book fall onto the floor? Obviously because someone did put it back properly. 

I sit up just thinking about how could she read my personal belongings. Although I know she will not tell a soul about my personal thoughts, it still bothers me that someone had invaded my privacy. 

And now that I think about it, she has violated another rule. The first time is reading classified information, and the second is reading personal information. Usually after the 2nd violation you are either forced to join the next regiment or terminated. But normally it is decided by the other leaders of the scout regiments. But since I am the only one that knows about this then I suppose I can decide for them.

If Levi was the one that caught her then she would have to join the regiment. And knowing (Y/N), she would not last one second outside these walls. Even so i can't so that to (Y/N), hell my father wouldn't allow it if he was still around.

But still, I would have to punish her for reading my journal. But what can I do, literally the paperwork was all I had in mind when I punished her for the first time. Well I can put her on cleaning duty with Levi..........No, can't go through with it.

Why is it so hard to think of a worse punishment than the damn paperwork? When its any other scout it was a lot easier, I could send them over to Hanji, Levi, even to assist Miche when he supervises the scouts. So why with (Y/N) its a lot harder?

Oh no..

Please don't tell me...


What ever happened to the demeanor that I had planned to keep since the moment I joined the scouts? It was going well these past few years so why is it that now I decided to have a heart? I mean yeah I did kiss her forehead that one time but I WAS TIRED.

Oh who am I fooling? Of course I meant to do that, the little girl that I have considered my little sister has now grown into a lovely young woman and I can't stop thinking about her. I only had her help me do the paperwork so I could spend more time with her. Sure I know its not the best thing to do but its the only way I can have her near me. Our positions are different so if I didn't give her this punishment then who knows when I will see her again?

But now that she has violated another rule, I am just going to have to terminate her and send her back home. But is this really the right punishment? Well the more I think about it, the more I realize that the sooner I do it the better.


(Your POV)

I still can't get the damn journal out of my head. If there was a way for me to sneak back into his room just to finish reading that journal then I would. But its very late and Erwin is probably sitting over by his desk by now. Unless he isn't and he actually went to bed.

I then got off and quickly put on my shoes and a coat and made my way over to the door. I paused once my hand was on the door knob and slowly released it. 

What the hell am I doing?

Am I seriously going to break into Erwin's room just to read his personal thoughts?

Erwin would never break into my room to snoop around so why am I?

God I feel so guilty.

If Erwin found out that I took his journal and read it, he would be pissed.

I looked at the time and saw that its 15 minutes til 2, maybe Erwin is still awake. I took a deep breath and placed my hand on the doorknob again, I decided that I am going to go up to Erwin's room, hopefully unseen and confess what I have done the apologize. I just hope he won't be too mad at me, but if he did then I wouldn't blame him. 

But by the time I had opened the door, Erwin was already standing right in front of my door. And based on how he looks, he was just about to knock on my door.

You- "E-Erwin?"

Erwin- "(Y/N).."

You- "What are you doing here?"

Erwin- "I need to speak to private."

You- " you want to come in?"

Erwin nodded and made his way inside, you closing the door after him.

Erwin- "I know this is late but I need to-"

You- "-but before that...I need to tell you something."

Erwin- "That you read my journal?"

I froze.

You- " did you-?"

Erwin - "-My journal feel from its hiding spot and the spine is more torn than usual."

I leaned against the wall, feeling my anxiety kick in.

Erwin- "And just so you know, reading personal items from your higher ups, is against the rules...and as Commander of the Survey Corps...I hereby terminate your position as a member of the infirmary team."

My heart clenched. So this is what its like to be fired, not only that but by your closest friend, if you can even consider him such. But in the end you did read his personal stuff so maybe getting fired isn't the worst form of punishment. Being RELEASED from doing paperwork is probably the best reward at this point.

You- "Um...okay...I...can I leave first thing in the morning?"

Erwin- "No."

You- "Oh...well...okay then.."

I turn around about to get my bag to pack my stuff but Erwin grabbed my arm to stop me.

Erwin- "I didn't say right now.."

I looked at him confused.

You- " if not now..and not first thing in the morning...then when?"

Erwin- "When I am done with you."

Erwin then pulled me into a passionate kiss, and I couldn't help but melt into it.

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