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WHEN JACKIE WOKE UP THE FIRST THING SHE NOTICED WAS THAT HER ARM REALLY FUCKING HURT. Jackie was laid out on a blue couch, in a blue NYPD shirt and sweats, both which eere far to large for her. She could hear phones ringing and people angrily yelling and she couldn't remember where she was.

"Hey Jackie," Jackie looked up and saw Trish Walker smiling down at her.  

"Trish? Where am I?" Jackie slowly sat up.

"Harlem precinct," Trish said gently, taking the spot where her legs had been.  Jackie for a moment forgot just why she was in a police station, but then the memories of Matt bursting into the apartment, being attacked and stabbed and killing the man all rushed back to her with such a force tears quelled up in the corner of her eyes.

"Hey, hey," Trish cooed, "It's okay." 

"I-I killed someone Trish," Jackie whispered. The police station walls seemed to close in around her and her blood started to turn to fire. "I killed someone."

"Hey-hey look at me," Trish snapped, she maneuvered herself so she was kneeling in front of Jackie, "You had no choice, you were forced to do that. Do you understand me? You didn't have a choice." Jackie still couldn't breathe, the room still felt smaller than it actually was but she didn't feel hot anymore. She felt cold. 

"Deep breaths, okay Jackie? Take a deep breath," Trish instructed, taking one herself to show the girl. Jackie tried to follow suit only to be able to take short gasps of breath. Trish covered her mouth with the palm of her hand, "Through your nose okay? Deep breaths through your nose."

Jackie took one deep breath through her nose, and then another, and then she was crying. Sobbing into Trish's shoulder like a baby.

"Oh," Trish cooed, "I know, I know. Let it out." Jackie pulled away a few moments later; sniffling, "Where's Matt and Jess?" Trish pressed her lips together for a moment; she couldn't tell Jackie that Matt and Jessica had run off, eyes filled with fire, after the people who had attacked them.

"I-I don't know. But I'm sure they're being safe and they'll be back soon?" The corners of Jackie's lips turned upwards. Jessica Jones and Matt Murdock being safe and smart adults? Yeah right.

"Malcome's in the other room, he ordered a pizza before, do you want some?" Jackie nodded.

"Pepperoni?" Jackie croaked. Trish nodded. 

"Okay." Trish helped a wobbly Jackie stand up and lead her into the room across the hall where Maclome and two women sat at a table around a large pizza.

"Look who woke up?" Trish smiled. Malcome stood up from his chair and took Jackie from Trish's arms and brought her into a welcoming, yet gentle, hug.

"There's our favorite girl scout." Jackie wanted to laugh at the inside joke- when Jackie had started going around Jessica's she'd bring over brownies and at first when Malcome had first met her, he'd thought she was a girl scout -but she couldn't find it inside her. So instead she nodded.

"Hi," a Hispanic woman greeted. The chinese woman next to her waved and smiled kindly.

"Hi, I'm Jackie."

"Yeah we know, I'm Claire Temple, that's Colleen Wing." Jackie had no idea who Colleen was or how she was tied up in whatever Matt and Jess had found themselves in, but she had certainly heard about Claire Temple.

"It's great to finally meet you," Claire said, Jackie nodded, "I'm glad you're feeling better."

"You helped me." It wasn't a question; Jackie knew enough about Claire- and she knew that despite how Jack-of-trades Maclome was -that Claire was the only one how could help her with a stab wound outside of a hospital.

"I did."

"Thank you." Jackie took a seat in between Colleen and Malcome and grabbed a slice of pizza with her uninjured arm. Malcome settled into the chair next to her and Trish sat scross from him in front of her laptop. Jackie could feel Colleens eyes burning a hole into the side of her face.


"Nothing, I'm just wondering how a kid held her own against the hand."

"I'm not a kid, I'm almost fifteen," Jackie said. 

"Doesn't answer how badass you are," Colleen said with a smile. Jackie wanted to feel proud but how could she; she'd murdered a man.

"Matt," she shrugged, "He's been teaching me how to fight for the past few months."

"I'm impressed," Colleen said. Jackie ignored Colleen and instead choose to bite into her pizza. A familiar strawberry blonde quietly stormed into the room. 

"Jackie?" Jackie set her pizza down and looked at the annoying reporter. Jackie had never liked Karen, she was hypocritical, her voice was this annoying pitch and she always thought she had a say in how Matt lived. 

"You too?" 

"Foggy, am I glad to see you." Jackie looked to see Foggy Nelson walking into the room and thankfully pulling her attention off Jackie.

"Yeah, glad to see you too. What's the story?"

"Matt didn't tell you?" The reporter asked.

"Matt doesn't tell me anything," Foggy sighed.

"It's happening agian," Karen croaked.

"I know, I tried to steer him away."  Jackie glared at Foggy's back. Foggy was nice, he was Matt's best friend, and he was funny and usually an all around great guy. But she'd heard how he'd talk down to Matt for being Daredevil, and yeah he had what he believed Matt's best interest at heart but just because Matt was blind didn't mean he needed someone to dictate his life for him.

"Hey Jackie," Trish suggested, softly touching Jackie's arm, mentally dragging her away from Karen Paige and Foggy Nelson, "Why don't we go get some soda? I saw a vending machine down the hall." Jackie nodded stiffly. 

She wanted to scream and yell and cry and just throw a tantrum because of all the diffrent feelings whelling up inside her; the memeory of the man's dying eyes kept replaying in her head. But most of all she wanted her family. She wasn't sure if that meant her mom and dad and abuelo or Matt and Jessica and Wade, but she wanted someone to hold her close and tell her it was going to be okay.

Even if it wasn't. She wanted someone to lie to her and say it was. 

jfc work sucks; like it like but ots so fucking draining. anyway this chapter is short and bittersweet so
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