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IN THE TWO WEEKS THAT HAD PASSED SINCE MATT MURDOCKS SERVICE PETER PARKER HAD SEEN HIS GIRLFRIEND JACKIE LOGAN A TOTAL OF ZERO TIMES. His aunt May told him not to worry; that he had to remember everyone mourned in their own way and Jackie would be okay in the end and he truly believed that; to an extent. He also wanted to believe that when Miss. Walker told him that Jackie was at Jessica's every time he came over looking for her she was actually there.

What Peter Parker didn't want to believe was that the new masked hero; the female Devil of Hells Kitchen was Jackie.

Peter didn't want to believe that New Yorks newest menace- according to one Mr. James Jameson and the Police -was his painfully human girlfriend, especially after she promised him she would let him and Wade handle the hero stuff; had been dropping the bodies of criminals every night for the past two weeks. But Peter Parker wasn't dumb.

He was a spider-boy hybrid, he was not naive.

And yet it still hurt to stand in front of the Newest Masked vigilante and watch them take off their mask only to prove what he already knew.

The wind blew past them; Peter was standing in the middle of the a random buildings roof; Jackie, who had a split lip and a fading black eye, sat on the ledge.

A million questions raced through Peter's mind; his chest ached. Jackie was supposed to be the light of his life, his high school sweetheart- the girl he would one day in ten or so years, marry -she wasn't supposed to be the up and coming Frank Castle; she wasn't supposed to willingly jump head first into the grave.

"What the hell Jackie!" He demanded. She crossed her arms over her chest; her eyes were colder then they'd ever been and for a moment Jackie reminded Peter of a movie villain. With her pale face and sunken in cheeks and dead eyes she looked like she had nothing to lose; which hurt because she had him and Ned and May and Jessica and Wade and Miss. Walker and her friend Taren.

"I'm going to need a little context Peter," she told him dully. Jackie had told him that she had killed two men in self defense and Peter knew that would change her but the chill in her voice cut him deeper then the bloody curved knife strapped to her thigh ever could.

"I'm talking about this-" he gestured to all of her, "You promised to leave the hero stuff to people who could handle it!" Peter wanted to point out what she was doing wasn't hero stuff; it was illegal and she was criminal, not matter how morally grey she was and how bad the men she was killer were, she was killing people. But Peter Parker knew he had to pick and choose his battles so he chose this one; her breaking a promise.

"I can handel it," Jackie snapped back, she got to her feet and placed her hands against her hips.

"You're human!" Why couldn't she see that her inability to heal, or effortlessly lift tons of weight would get her hurt; or worse, killed?

"So was Matt!" She shouted. Her eyebrows raised and her lips pressed together tightly. Why couldn't he see that just because her DNA hadn't mutated in the womb or due to some shadow corporation that she could do exactly what he and the others did?

"And look what happened to him!" Peter hissed only to immediately suck in a sharp breath. He hadn't meant to say that. Jackie took a step back; her calves hit the edge of the roof and her bottom lip quivered as a look of betrayal flashed through her eyes.

"Jackie-" Peter tried; his voice now kind.

Jackie, with hard eyes and a ridged spine cut Peter off; "Let's get one thing straight Parker, Matt's dead because of murderous scum, not because he was human. Okay? That human," she spit the word and Peter winced, "Is the strongest hero to come out of this city since Captain America."

"I didn't-I'm sorry," Peter apologised, "I just-you can't do this."

Jackie glared at him.

"I'm sorry since when are you the boss of me?" Peter sighed.

"I'm not trying to be the boss of you Jackie I'm just trying to do what's best for you?"

Jackie is quite for a moment. She looked conflicted; she looked angry and sad and then she looked at Peter with a blank expression on her face.

"You should go Peter," she said quietly. Peter's heart froze.  

"What? No—"

"This isn't up for debate Peter, leave." The summer wind that swept past them carried her unsaid words; 'And don't come back.'

"I-Jackie I love you," Peter croaked. His eyes quelled up with hit tears; Jackie ground her teeth together.

"I love you too Peter," Jackie told him adamantly. Jackie sighed and smiled at him pathetically. He didn't understand, Jackie didn't get how he couldn't understand especially when he had gone through something so similar; having his father figure die and picking up the mask. But then again Peter had never murdered anyone, he had never snuck out his window at night and hunted and that was their glaring difference, in the two weeks Jackie had been on the streets she had more blood on her hands then Peter could ever even fear to have on his.

She was a monster, he wasn't. He deserved someone so much better.

"I love you Peter, but I can't do this now. Not anymore." This; she had called their relationship a this. Peter felt anger swell in his chest. He also felt nervousness settle heavily in his stomach, like lead.

"This— what do you mean you can't do this I don't understand!"

"I'm breaking up with you Peter. I'm sorry." And then just like Matt used to do, she disappeared off the side of the building and into the night, leaving Peter, with tears running down his face and shoulders shaking with silent sobs, all alone to mend his bleeding, broken heart.

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5 COMMENTS  TO TELL ME WHAT YOU GUYS THINK / ARE FEELING /SHOULD BE DONE (though I already have a plan I want to see if you guys think like I do what....)

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