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DUE TO THE FACT HER CURRENTLY UNEMPLOYED UNCLE KYLE WAS EXPECTING A THIRD CHILD IN HIS ALREADY TOO SMALL APARTMENT- AND BECAUSE OF SAID UNBORN CHILD, MONEY WAS TIGHT -JACKIE LOGAN, FOR THE PAST TWO WEEKS, HAD BEEN STAYING IN THE SMALL OFFICE TURNED BEDROOM THAT BELONGED TO MATT MURDOCK. At first, Jackie's court-appointed social worker had been wary about leaving the young girl with the ex-vigilante, as much as Jackie thought of Matt as a father figure he wasn't an actual relative, but after speaking to Matt, and Jessica, who, despite the constant arguing that no-she wasn't, was still a hero of New York, she had agreed the best place for the girl was not a halfway house or foster home, but rather in the company of someone she knew and trusted.

"She's in her room," Jackie heard Matt mummer to someone. Probably Peter, ever since her abuelo's funeral he'd visited her every day before going on patrol. Not that she minded, Jackie found keeping her mind occupied, either with school work, baking, helping Matt or Peter, kept her mind off her loss. Off the memories, she had of her abuelo.

Though it wasn't Peter who walked through her door, it was Ned. After they met Ned Leeds and Jackie bonded. Jackie, though was popular, didn't have many friends outside of school, just the heroes she's somewhat adopted and her friend Taren. And Ned. Both Taren and Ned were a breath of fresh air for Jackie, neither of them had cuts they needed to sitch up or limbs they needed to regrow; all they ever needed was validation and reassurance that the new Star Wars films would not suck-that much. 

"Hey Ned," Jackie smiled, looking up from her Chemistry homework. 

"Hey Jackie, hope you don't mind me dropping by." Jackie shurgged and movied her textbooks to the side so the Hawaiian boy could sit, Ned placed his bookbag next to his feet; "T's no biggie, I'm just trying to get through this my Chem honework."

"If you do my history DBQ packet I'll do your Chem and math." Jackie thought about it for a minute, while she really sucked at Chem and math she was really good at History and English.

"Sure." And thats how Peter Parker and Matt Murdock found them an hour later, streched across Jackies bed and swapping homework.

"What's going on here?" Matt, already knowing but having to keep up appearances in front of the civilian, asked, as Peter suspiciously eyed his best friend and girlfriend.

Last time Ned and Jackie hung out without him they swapped stories about ridiculous things he'd done and decided to tag team him with embarasing nicknames and inside jokes.

"Homework," both teens answered simultaneously.

"Can I join?" Jackie looked up from the homework- Neds homework -and looked at the heavy boy who had his lips pressed together and nose scrunched up.

"Nah," they laughed, Jackie smirked at Peter, causing the masked vigilantes heart to speed up, "No Hufflepuffs allowed."

"And here I thought you two loved me," Peter pouted. He should have never introduced them to eachother; though he supposed Jackie and Ned were a batter combination then Jackie amd Michelle.

"Now why would you think that?" Jackie snorted as Peter walked over to the bed and nudged her towards the wall so he could sit on tge edge of the mattress.

"Four months of dating and a life time of friendship?"

"I mean I guess." Ned handed Jackie her Chemistry homework as she flipped to the last document.

"Did you two swap homework?" Peter asked, pulling out his history notebook.

"Yup," Ned nodded. Peter was quite for a moment, her could here Matt outside the room talking on the phone to someone he kept calling Foggy.

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