Walnut Ridge .

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Today was my first day of high school . I was so nervous but then excited at the same time to meet new people .
You ready Han ? Mom walks in .
Yes . I grab my bag and jacket and head out the door to the car .
You ready for your first day !? Mom was happy this morning .
Ehh . I shrug my shoulders as I turn the radio station
Um no don't be turning my radio in my car . Mom turns the radio station back .
I just roll my eyes and sit back .
I couldn't show mom how happy I was for my first day , she couldn't know that I was only wanted to move to get me a boyfriend . I know I'm pretty so this should be a piece of chocolate cake, I just need to find the right one . I don't wanna seem thirsty , I just want someone to love me other than my mom .
Alright , here we are , hugs . Mom throws her arms out
Eye roll my eyes again and hug her . Don't get my wrong I love my mom and all but she can be a bit much and when I mean at bit much , I'm talking embarrassing.
Okay do you want me to pick you up or are you gonna walk to Asia's down the street ?
I'll walk to her house .
Okay I'll let her know , bye honey I love you !
Love you too . I say as I walk inside .
It was so loud , I hated loud wanna be seen type of people .
I sat down at a seat by myself , my stomach was hurting because my dumb ass forgot to eat , I saw a snack machine by the door , I went over there and and got some chips and a pop and sat back down .
After I ate that I felt a little better .
This school isn't as bad as I thought...well at least my class isn't , just hope it goes fast .

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