New York

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Courtney's POV

I had been in school for a year now. I miss Shayne ever single day. We FaceTime every single night as I do my homework
He's definitely the light of my day
Class had just finished
I head out quickly
I walk to my apartment as I always do
I've made a couple of friends but we're not very close but I do have a close friend. Her name is Annabelle
She's really nice but she likes to party a lot
Which is why I'm going out today,but Im gonna miss me and Shayne's 7 hour calls
He usually stays up with me till I'm in bed and we say goodnight
So that's gonna be cut short by around 5 hours
Annabelle and I are gonna be out for 3 hours but I gotta do my homework a lot faster
I open my apartment door and quickly call Shayne
It took two calls but he eventually answered
Shayne-Hey Court
I smile
Courtney-Hi Shayne
We talked for an hour but I eventually had to hang up to go with Annabelle. I change into a navy blue dress with my hair straighten. I hear a knock on my door
I go to answer it and there she is,that Star of the show,Annabelle Garcia,wearing a black lacy dress with her hair curled
Annabelle-Cmon Courtney. Let's go!
She said in a funny voice
I smile and nod
We both head out to our favorite bar
Once we finish there we start to head to a club
Now I'm not a big fan of partying but I will party
We start to cross the street and while walking my heel got stuck in a hole in the cement
I try to pull it out but I couldn't
I started to panic,since I was kinda in the middle of the streets
She turns around
She comes running back to me and tries to help me,but she wasn't able to get it
Courtney-Step back,I'm gonna I tie my heel.
She steps back onto the curb in the middle of the street,the one that divides the cars going in different directions
Which is pretty close to me but is still a lot safer than where I am
Surprisingly there weren't a lot of cars going this was
It was still hard trying to untie my heel
I finally untie it and pull my heel from the ground
I put my heel again and continue to cross the street
She goes ahead since she was eager to get another drink from the club
I laugh and flip my hair
And as I open my eyes I see a car heading my way
My first thought was to run but my body had other plans
I just stood there
And soon enough the car hit me and all I hear is the sound Annabelle yelling
My visions blurry and all I could think about was me wanting Shayne here

Hello guys! I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter. I really did want to update this book more often but this week I was at a wedding so writing wasn't one of my top priorities. I'll definitely try to update this book at least 2 times this week
Bye guys!

My Last First Kiss                     ||Shourtney||AU||Where stories live. Discover now