Chapter 1 : An Unexpected Visit

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"Your Highness, how wonderful it is to see you,"

Alithia Thranduillell jumped, startled by the visitor. So engrossed was she in her book that she did not hear the grey wizard, Gandalf, approaching.

"Mithrandir, I didn't realise you were there," she said, bowing before the wizard while he did the same.

"Forgive me for the intrusion, Your Highness, but I have come with exciting news," Gandalf announced as he sat beside her on the tree stump. He took out his pipe and lit it.

They were in the forest of Mirkwood, a place where outsiders would think rather depressing but to the princess, it was her home. She always loved to wander around the forest, much to her father's disapproval. She loved that she could escape the noise of the palace and be left alone, surrounded by nature.

"And what might that be, Gandalf?" She asked, putting her book down beside her and looking at the wizard.

"I would like you to go on an adventure. Well, more of a quest, really, but nevertheless, an exciting one," Gandalf started. Alithia's eyes lit up.

"An adventure?" She repeated, a small smile tugging at her lips. Gandalf smiled warmly at her reaction.

"Yes, Your Highness. I would like to invite you to join the Company of Thorin Oakenshield and join them on a quest to reclaim Erebor," he said and smoked his pipe, letting out smoke rings that blew up to the trees.

"Thorin Oakenshield... That's sound vaguely familiar," she muttered to herself, trying to remember where she had heard about him before. Then something in her brain clicked.

"You want me to help the dwarf prince? The heir to the line of Durin?" She asked Gandalf, looking at him incrediously. She had heard about the dwarves of Erebor from her father. Her father had said that they were rude and selfish beings that despised elves. How on middle earth could she help them? Would they even accept her help?

Gandalf, upon seeing the conflict in her eyes, put a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Your Highness, I know elves and dwarves don't usually get along but I've always seen you as one who seeks the thrill of adventure. This quest could quench your thirst for such thrill and maybe, you could bring peace and unity between both races," he told her.

Alithia stayed quiet, still debating with herself. The idea did seem quite interesting and she always wanted to go on an adventure.

"I hear you're skilled with a bow and arrow and swords. I'm sure your expertise will help immensely," he continued, noting her hesitation. Alithia considered her options, still quite unsure. Would her father approve? But surely this would be a great experience? Gandalf waited patiently for her answer as he continued tending to his pipe. Alithia let out a small sigh but smiled at him.

"I'm going to regret this, Mithrandir, but..." she said.

"I'm in"

Author's note:

Hey, guys! Thanks for reading the first chapter of my story. It's a bit short for a chapter but other chapters will be longer so stick around to find out what happens. Any constructive criticism is welcomed because I want to learn to be a better writer.

If you guys hate it, I apologise. I'm still new to the Hobbit fandom so this was just something I came up with. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy reading it.

Thank you for reading! :]


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