Chapter 16: Lake Town

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When morning came in Laketown, the Company awoke for their journey to the mountain. After having been smuggled into the town of Men by the bargeman, Bard, and failing to get the proper weapons they wanted, the Company got the good graces of the race of Men. Thorin had coaxed the Master of the town to allow them passage, tempting them with the promise of a share of the wealth that lay within the mountain.

The Company made their way to the main channel, wherein their journey would continue. Rows and rows of people stayed by the sides of the water, cheering them on. A boat was already readied for the Company along with other supplies they would need.

"You do now we're one short," Bilbo remarked. "Where's Bofur?" Bilbo, of course, knew that the Company was actually short of two members, the first being Alithia. He was rather disappointed that the princess had left them back at Mirkwood. She seemed to be one of the more reasonable ones of the group. Alas, she left.

"If he's not here, we leave him behind," Thorin replied.

"We have to if we're to find the door before nightfall," Balin said. "We can risk no more delays."

The Company marched along the pier and boarded the boat. Just as Kili was about to climb onto the boat, Thorin stopped him.

"Not you," Thorin said. "We must travel with speed, you will slow us down."

Kili smiled at his uncle, thinking that Thorin was joking.

"What are you talking about? I'm coming with you," Kili said determinedly. Fili, who was already on the boat, turned to watch them.


Kili's smile dropped. "I'm going to be there when that door is opened, when we first look upon the halls of our fathers, Thorin."

"Kili, stay here," Thorin said lowly. "Rest. Join us when you're healed." He rested a hand on Kili's shoulder with a smile, but Kili looked at him in betrayal. Thorin then turned around to get into the boat. Kili turned away in dejection. Oin got out of the boat to join Kili by the docks.

"I'll stay with the lad. My duty lies with the wounded," Oin said.

Fili stared in disbelief. "Uncle, we grew up on tales of the mountain. Tales that you told us. You can't take that away from him!" Fili defended.

"Fili," Thorin warned.

"I will carry him if I must!" Fili declared. He had already had to lose a loved one, he wasn't going to lose another.

"One day you will be king, and you will understand," Thorin said, as if Fili had not heard that so many times when he was growing up. "I cannot risk the fate of this quest for the sake of one dwarf, not even my own kin."

Fili looked at Kili, seated by the docks, and stood up. He stepped out of the boat determinedly, and Thorin tried to stop him.

"Fili, don't be a fool," Thorin hissed. "You belong with the Company."

"I belong with my brother."

Fili pulled away from his uncle and joined his brother's side. 

Music started to play as the Master of Laketown climbed up onto a raised platform. The people cheer. The Master addressed the Company, wishing them well wishes, even though all he cared about was that once the treasure was secured, he could get a share in the wealth. 

"Bring good fortune to all!" he announced. The Company paddled away, the crowd cheering for them as they went on.

"Goodbye!" Dori shouted to them.

Bofur, who had just woken up from a night of drinking, ran to catch up to the boat but failed to arrive on time. He looked in disappointment as the boat floated farther and farther away. He turned and saw Kili, Fili and Oin.

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