Chapter 4 : The Heir of Durin

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"He's here," Gandalf said gravely.

Everybody gathered by the door and the door opened, revealing a rather majestic looking dwarf that brought with him an air of importance.

"Gandalf," he said. "I thought you said this place would be easy to find. I lost my way twice. I wouldn't have found it if it weren't for that mark on the door," he continued, shrugging off his fur coat.

"Mark? There's no mark on that door. It was painted a week ago," Bilbo said, approaching the door. Gandalf closed the door before he could see the mark. "There isn't. I put it there myself," he said as he shut it.

"Bilbo Baggins, allow me to introduce you to the leader of our company, Thorin Oakenshield," Gandalf introduced. Thorin stepped forward to Bilbo.

"So, this is the hobbit," he said. "Tell me, Mister Baggins, have you done much fighting?" Thorin asked.

"Pardon me?" Bilbo said, taken aback.

"He looks more like a grocer than a burglar," Thorin remarked. Alithia stayed at the back, not really sure what to do. Then suddenly, Thorin's gaze fell upon her and a deep frown immediately appeared on his face.

"And who is this elf?" He asked, rather unkindly. Alithia stepped forward to introduce herself but Gandalf stopped her.

"Your Highness, if you would allow me," he said before she could say anything. There was a mutter of confusion and Alithia grimaced. There goes her idea of staying undercover.

"Thorin, this is Princess Alithia Thranduillell of Mirkwood. Alithia, this is Thorin Oakenshield," Gandalf said. There was a collective gasp from the dwarves. Amongst the crowd, Fili's eyes widened.

"Princess?" He thought to himself in horror. "And I just called her a peasant ??"

"Yes, Gandalf, make them hate me more," Alithia thought to herself.

"Princess of Mirkwood, you say?" Thorin repeated, scowling at her. Alithia shifted uncomfortably. His scowl was intimidating, to say the least, and she started to think that this whole "join the dwarves and save Erebor" wasn't such a good idea.

"Your Majesty, I hope you don't mind my presence here but I came here to help your people get back their home," she said humbly as she bowed although her voice sounded very unsure. Thorin's scowl deepened; if that was possible.

"And why would I want an elf in my company? No less the daughter of Thranduil," Thorin's voice was laced with hatred. Hatred that was born from an Elf King turning his back on Thorin's people as they suffered.

Alithia didn't know what to reply to that. She should have known Thorin would hate her from the start. She glanced at Gandalf for help.

"Thorin, she is very gifted and she could be of use in the company," he defended the elf princess.

"And what use would that be?" Thorin asked although he clearly wasn't interested.

"I'm good at archery-" Alithia began.

"We already have an archer," he cut her off.

"I'm skilled with a sword-"

"We all are,"

"I know Elvish medicine-"

"We have no need of Elvish medicine when we have our Dwarvish methods," Thorin deadpanned.

Alithia scowled back at the dwarf. He wouldn't even let her finish her sentences.

"Gandalf, you said you would provide us a burglar. You never said anything about bringing some spoilt brat off the streets," Thorin said. Alithia frowned and folded her arms across her chest.

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