Chapter 19: The Battle of the Five Armies

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When morning came, the soldiers of Mirkwood in their battle gear and weapons stood before their king, awaiting orders.

Standing a few meters away from this crowd, Alithia stood near the front, in her own silver armour that fit her and a quiver of arrows and a bow strung around her body. In her hand, she ran her fingers along the surface of the long blade she had been gifted all those years back by her father. The same father who now looked at her with concern.

"Lith," Thranduil started, dropping his voice to a hushed whisper so no one could hear. "You don't have to do this. You can still go back to Mirkwood where you will be safe." The king's voice held desperation, something so uncharacteristic for him that it made the elf maiden feel uneasy.

His eyes bore into Alithia's  eyes, silently asking her to go back home. The guilt struck Alithia, but she knew what she had to do.

"What sort of warrior would I be if I left?" She mumbled in response, feeling bad that she was causing such distress.

"An alive one," Thranduil replied, his hand cupping the side of her face as he looked down at her in sadness.

"Ada, last night you said I could-"

"I know what I said," Thranduil said, cutting her off. "And should anything happen to you, those words will haunt me for the rest of time."

"But I wonder..." he trailed off, leaving his doubts unsaid.

"I'll be fine, Ada," she reassured, squeezing his hand in comfort, not quite believing the truth of her own words. "We'll make it to see another day."

Thranduil's eyes betrayed the pained expression on his face, and he nodded once.

"You listen to what I say, when I say it, understood?" He asked. "No questions, no hesitation. I can't guarantee your safety if a war breaks out, nor can I protect from anything that may come your way."

Alithia's heart swelled with even more guilt, but she nodded all the same.

"Stay safe, Lith," he whispered to her and pressed his forehead against hers.

"And you too, Ada," she whispered back. The moment only lasted a few seconds before they pulled apart. Thranduil turned his attention to the army before him.

At once, the familiar cold mask he wore appeared, like a wall that was being built up to shield whatever was behind it.

He gave his orders, his soldiers complied. And on they went to Erebor, in hopes that the Arkenstone would serve as a good enough ransom for Thorin. As Thranduil led his army, the soldiers who marched onwards with a renewed sense of purpose, he wondered if he would indeed come to regret the decision of allowing Alithia to join. And he wasn't eager to find out the answer.



Fili turned to face the door and saw Kili stood at the doorway with a worried look.

"What are you doing?" the dark haired dwarf asked, eyeing the satchel of supplies that Fili had slung over his shoulder. Fili had been packing, that was clear to Kili. Packing for what, Kili wasn't sure but it couldn't be anything good given that Fili looked angry.

"I'm leaving," Fili said, turning his back on his brother. He had been angry. No, furious at his uncle. The stubborn headed prick-

"Whatever for? You can't leave when we're on the brink of war," Kili reasoned.

"I'm going to find her. I'm going to make things right, and maybe, by some chance, she might forgive me," Fili said determinedly as he looked around the room he had inhabited for the past day to check if anything was left behind.

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