Chapter 20: Livräddare

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Amidst the roaring chaos of the war, Thorin spotted his cousin as he defeated as Orc.

"Dain!" he called out.

"Thorin!" the Dwarf lord called back happily. "Hold on! I'm coming!"

The two of them continued killing the Orcs around them, drawing nearer to each other.

"Hey cousin, what took you so long?!" Dain asked. Briefly, the two embraced each other when they met. "There's too many of these buggers, Thorin. I hope you've got a plan."

Thorin's gaze rose to the top of one of the hills where the wooden signal device was signalling orders.

"Aye. We're going to take out their leader," Thorin said.


Thorin looked around him and called out for his best warriors, Dwalin, Fili and Kili.

Upon hearing his name, Fili clutched Alithia's hand tightly. "Follow me. We can fight beside each other and-"

But just then, a troop of Mirkwood soldiers approached them, bearing blades as they fought their way to their princess.

"Your Highness, King Thranduil has ordered us to find you. Please allow us to escort you back," the leader of the troop said.

Alithia looked at Fili, then looked at them before looking back at Fili. She didn't want to go back on her word, but she also didn't want to leave Fili's side. Remembering her promise, she squeezed Fili's hand tightly, turning to him with sad eyes.

"I'm sorry," she said softly. "I have to return."

"I can't lose you again," Fili whispered, giving her hand a squeeze back.

"Fili, to the hilltop!" Thorin shouted from the distance, and Fili let out a sad sigh, knowing that the two of them had their own duties to carry out.

 His other hand made its way to the side of her face, caressing gently before he let his hand drop.

"You have your people, I have mine," he said with an understanding tone to reassure her that it was alright.

"Stay safe, Fee," she told him with a sad smile.

"Always," Fili replied. He held on to her hand for a few moments, looking into her eyes.

"I will find you, Thia," he reassured, and they both exchanged a tight embrace.

"I love you," she whispered into his ear.

"And I you," he whispered back. They reluctantly pulled apart and just as Alithia was whisked away because of her duty to her people, Fili followed Thorin alongside his brother to kill the leader of the Orcs, Azog.

Both were separated to carry out their respective duties. And both carried the same feeling of unease in their stomachs, feeling as if they might never see each other again despite being reunited just minutes before.


Back in Dale, Gandalf watched as the humans worked together to kill a massive troll.

"We may yet survive this," he mused.

"Gandalf!" Bilbo shouted. Gandalf killed an Orc and hurried over to Bilbo. Bilbo pointed to hill in the distance where Thorin, Dwalin, Fili and Kili were riding up a spur of the mountain.

"It's Thorin!" Bilbo said.

"And Fili, Kili, and Dwalin," Gandalf noted. "He's taking his best warriors!"

"To do what?" Bilbo asked.

"To cut the head off the snake," Gandalf answered.

Somewhere in the distance, Legolas and Tauriel arrived on a horse. Killing Orcs on the way through the city, they came to a halt when they saw Gandalf who was standing with Bilbo.

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