Chapter 14: Back Home

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Alithia was pacing around her room, finding absolutely no comfort that she was back home so soon. What was she going to tell her father? What excuse was she going to give? Would he be mad at her? Happy to see her? Angry that she ran away?

A knock from the other side of the door startled her out of her panicked thoughts and she spun around. Legolas entered her room. Within seconds, he engulfed his sister in a hug. Alithia froze before melting into the hug, realising how much she missed him.

"Thia, I thought we lost you," he said softly before breaking apart.

"I'm sorry, Las..." she replied sadly.

Legolas held her by her shoulders, looked at her lovingly with a small smile before his expression changed and he whacked her on the arm.

"Ow! What was that for?" she said indignantly, rubbing her arm as she teared herself from her brother's grasp.

"Why did you run away?!" he asked.

"I already told you. I'm part of their Company."

"You joined their Company? A Dwarf Company?"

"Yes, yes, I did. And it's too late to back out now because I already signed a contract," Alithia said, folding her arms across her chest.

"You signed a contract?!" Legolas groaned. "Why would you even do that? You just pledged your allegiance to them."

"What do you want me to say? I can't burn the contract, can I?" Alithia defended. "And besides, I told them that I'll help them, and I'm going to stick to my word."

"Alithia, don't tell me you're going back to them," Legolas said.

"I have to, Las," she reasoned. "I'm not going to back out when we're nearly there."

"Nearly where? What do the dwarves wish to accomplish?" he asked.

"Well, you see, I'm supposed to keep that a secret..." she started slowly.

Legolas made a 'hmph' sound as he rolled his eyes.

 "I'd love to see you tell that to Adar," he said sarcastically.

"Speaking of which... Can't we keep my presence here between the two of us?" she pleaded. "Just don't mention I'm here, and I'll slip back out and continue on the quest."

"You and what Company? They're all in prison," Legolas said flatly.

"Can't you let them loose?" she pleaded.

"No," Legolas answered. "No one leaves that prison unless Adar allows it."

"But you know Ada won't free them!" she complained, trying to get Legolas on her side.

"Yes, and I highly doubt he's going to let you leave this place any time soon," Legolas deadpanned, shaking his head at his sister. 

"Then let me leave before he hears of my presence," she pleaded.

"It's a little bit too late for that, my daughter."

Both siblings spun around. King Thranduil stood there at the doorway, his eyes trained on his daughter.

"Ada..." Alithia said softly, her eyes wide with shock.

"Legolas, please excuse us," Thranduil said, and Legolas nodded and left the room, but not before casting a worried look at his sister. Thranduil shut the door behind him and turned to his daughter. He scanned her appearance, noting that she had a few cuts and scratches on her arms and hands. Thranduil stepped up to her and wrapped his long arms around her, pulling her into a hug. Alithia instantly embraced the hug. The last time she had been in his arms was the night she had ran away, and that felt like a long time ago.

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