Chapter 10: Goblin Town

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When it was long past midnight and the place fell quiet as everyone went to sleep, Fili and Alithia snuck back into the palace, both still feeling quite giddy from the events that had taken place. When they reached the quiet corridor of the palace, Fili turned to her.

"I'll see you tomorrow," he said and she nodded.

"Good night, Fee," she whispered.

"Good night, Thia," came his quiet reply and the two of them parted ways, both tip toeing so as to not make a sound.

Alithia walked slowly, smiling to herself. She couldn't believe what had happened at the waterfall. It seemed so surreal that she wondered if she was actually dreaming. Fili was very gentle with her and he didn't rush her into doing anything she didn't want to. For a dwarf, Fili was quite the gentleman. After they had kissed, they stayed by the water's side to allow their clothes to dry and they talked to pass the time, amongst other things.

Alithia slowly crept her way to her room and opened the door, feeling more happy than she had ever felt before. She closed the door behind her, smiling to herself as she slid down the door, still thinking of the night's events.

"Ah, Alithia, you've finally come back," came a voice from the dark.

Alithia let out a shriek. She got up quickly and squinted to see Elrond seated on her bed. He lit the candle by her bedside and its light filled the dark room.

"Elrond!" she said in disbelief. "Were you there the whole time? What were you going to do? Wait in the dark and act all mysterious until I came back??"

Elrond glanced down at her dress and his eyebrow rose.

"Someone's been busy," he commented.

Alithia flushed furiously. Could this honestly get any worse?

"Some of my guards told me they saw you and a certain dwarf at the waterfall..." he started.

It got worse.

"So?" Alithia replied, acting nonchalant. "We didn't...We didn't do anything," she added.

"I'm sure," Elrond commented dryly. "Anyway, I came to see if you were doing well but by the looks of it, you've been having...a fun time,"

Alithia sunk down onto her bed with an embarrassed groan.


"Like I told you before, there's nothing to be ashamed of," he said and shifted to look at her.

"I know but it's...weird!" Alithia said with a bewildered look. Elrond chuckled.

"Fine then, I won't bring it up again," he said, shaking his head in amusement.

"Thank you," she said with a grateful huff.

"Just be sure to invite me for the wedding," Elrond joked, earning an almighty scowl from the young elf.

"Alright, alright. I'll stop teasing you, penneth," he said, ruffling her hair.

"So how are things in Rivendell?" Alithia asked, propping herself up on her elbows.

Elrond let out a tired sigh. "Everything is fine or at least for now," he replied and crossed his arms over his chest. Alithia's eyebrows furrowed in concern.

"What do you mean by that?" she asked softly, sitting up so that she could be beside him.

"Gandalf is concerned about the one they call the Necromancer," he answered gravely. "A darkness is surrounding us all, as you know. Your home was once a peaceful place until a sickness fell over it,"

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