Chapter 6: The Journey Begins

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The next morning, all the dwarves were up early so as to get ready for the long journey ahead. As everyone bustled around the hobbit hole, Balin approached Alithia who had been packing up her things.

"How may I help you?" Alithia asked as she put her things down to face the dwarf.

"As you may know, a quest like this is no easy matter and there are certain terms that you need to read before you join us," he explained and took out a long piece of parchment. Alithia glanced at the paper. It was an agreement that bound her to the Company.Knowing that she had to go through with her word, it was a definite that she was going to sign the contract.

She took the quill from Balin and signed the contract. For his part, Balin didn't comment on her lack of reading the terms but he just smiled and rolled up the parchment, tucking it into his shirt pocket.

"Well, lass, welcome to the Company of Thorin Oakenshield,"

"Thank you, Balin," she replied, bowing in thanks.

After that, Balin left Alithia to her packing and once everyone was packed up, Thorin ordered everyone to go to their ponies and get moving. The dwarves filed out without complaint and Alithia followed behind, making her way to Maximus. Maximus let out a neigh when he saw her approaching figure and Alithia patted his mane. She quickly fed him an apple while attaching her backpack to the saddle. She hoisted herself unto her horse and rode to stand beside Gandalf who was on his own horse as well.

"Gandalf," she asked. "Where's Bilbo? Is he not joining us?"

"In time he will," he replied with a knowing wink. Alithia's sharp eyebrow rose at his statement but decided not to question the wizard. He never made sense anyway. He was always the type to answer vaguely and his words often held another meaning and it would leave you wondering if he meant what he said or something else entirely.

Once the dwarves had all mounted their ponies and everything was packed up, their journey began. In time, Bilbo Baggins would come running towards them with the contract in hand but until then, the dwarves and Gandalf placed bets on whether or not Bilbo would actually join them. Alithia shook her head in amusement at the sight before her as they shouted out their bets.

"Wanna place a bet, lass?" Balin asked, looking at her. Seeing as there was nothing much to do for entertainment around here, she shrugged and took out a few gold coins.

"I say Mr Baggins will join us," she declared as the dwarves made playful jeering noises. It was clear they didn't expect the hobbit to show. It must have been quite a surprise to them when not long after, Bilbo Baggins was running after them.

"Wait! I've signed it! I've signed the contract!" Bilbo shouted after them and ran straight to Balin. "I've signed the contract," he breathed out to the older dwarf who then checked the contract.

"Well, everything's in place. Welcome to the Company of Thorin Oakenshield," Balin said. Thorin then ordered for someone to give Bilbo a pony and Fili and Kili pulled Bilbo up unto one. The dwarves started to throw around a small bag of gold coins and Bilbo's eyebrows furrowed.

"Come on, Nori, pay up!" shouted Oin. Bilbo's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"What's that all about?" he asked Gandalf.

"Oh, they took wagers on whether or not you'd turn up. Most of them bet that you wouldn't" Gandalf replied.

"And what did you think?" Bilbo inquired.

"Well," Gandalf began and caught the flying bag of money in his hand. "My dear fellow, I never doubted you for a second,"

"And so did she," Gandalf added and nodded towards Alithia who was talking to Fili.

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