Chapter 13: The Talk

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"Fili," Thorin called out. Fili spun around from his spot and faced his uncle. 

"Yes, uncle?"

"A word." 

That was all Thorin needed to say before he walked out of the house, fully expecting Fili to follow him. He guessed right because his nephew obediently walked out of the house with him, going silent. Fili had recognised the tone of voice Thorin had used. It usually meant nothing good.

When they had reached the outside of the house and were out of earshot, Thorin turned to Fili and crossed his arms, his eyebrows furrowed in a frown. Fili came to a halt in front of his uncle, unsure of what to do.

"Have you been courting the elf?" Thorin asked simply. His words, however, dripped with poison. Fili swallowed, but he shook his head all the same, casting his gaze elsewhere.

"So, you're telling me that there is nothing going on between the two of you?" Thorin inquired, and Fili nodded in reply.

"A verbal answer, please," Thorin chided.

"N-no, there's nothing," Fili replied finally. He risked a glance up at his uncle and saw him glowering down at him.

"Look me in the eye and tell me," Thorin said, and Fili grimaced slightly. He could never lie to his uncle directly. And even if he did, Thorin could read him like an open book.


"I..." Fili trailed off, lost for words. 

This wasn't how this conversation was supposed to go. But his uncle did look quite scary at the moment, and there was something about him that told Fili that Thorin knew more than he let on. Thorin took hold of Fili's chin and made him look up at him. Fili held his uncle's gaze, putting on a brave front, before quickly diverting his eyes when his stance faltered. That was all the answer Thorin needed as he let go of his nephew with a growl.

"You've fallen for the enemy," Thorin said flatly. Fili shook his head.

"No, no. She's not the enemy," he defended.

"Not the enemy? Where were her people when our people needed help? Where were the elves when our people were attacked by the beast?" Thorin asked. "If they are not with us, they're against us."


"No, Fili," Thorin cut him off angrily. "You cannot have any ties with her, do you understand me?"

Fili's eyes widened and he looked up at his uncle. "You can't forbid me from being with her!" 

"Oh yes, I can," Thorin stated. "I don't want you to even talk to her again. She is an elf! And you are a dwarf. She's not of our kin,"

"That doesn't make her an enemy, Uncle. You can't blame her for something that her ancestors had done."

"It's not her ancestors who did it. Her father turned his back on our people while we suffered. Do you not think that she would take after him?" Thorin asked, his voice dropping to a growl at the mention of Thranduil.

"She's helping us reclaim Erebor!" Fili said incredulously. "What more do you want from her?"

"Need I remind you that you are an heir of Durin? That you are my heir?" Thorin asked dangerously.

"That has nothing to do with this!" Fili defended.

"It has everything to do with this! You will be sitting on the throne one day, and an elf cannot be by your side when that day comes," bellowed Thorin.

"Then I don't want the throne!" Fili shouted in anger.

Silence fell between the two of them, so tense that anyone who had walked in on their conversation would have felt it. Fili was breathing hard, jaw clenched as he stared at his uncle. He noticed the brief look of hurt that flashed upon Thorin's face before it was quickly replaced by anger.

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