The Feelings That We Learn To Let Go

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A/N: Because of some pm's sent to me yesterday that Chaeyoung's character needs some justice in this story I'll indulge myself to write few more chapters until the characters meet a cathartic end.Pls.don't hesitate to comment and pm me of your thoughts about this story it will help me a lot improve my writing.These days I started writing adult themed twice stories because well for obvious reasons I am an adult (struggling to make sense of her life's😂) and would like to explore the intricacies of human nature and its emotions.Also for some who were wondering and asking why I paired RV's Irene with Chaeyoung the answer is I think Irene's soft character as a person is compatible  enough with Chaeyoung's broken hearted character. Somehow they really look good together.Although when I first wrote the story it was Sana who I have in mind but I changed it last minute because I am dying to ship

And for that certain someone who asked me how old I am because you're dying to know I am just 24 years old bruh.😉

Also I might not have an update for days to come because I'll be busy doing some stuff  (Yolo!)👌

And maybe this is the longest chapter [6382 words] that I've ever written so far so pls.bear with it if you feel like yawning.haha

Trigger warning: Angst overload.Please don't hate me people . Lovelots 💋👌
Third Person's POV

It had been exactly 1 week ever since Chaeyoung decided to accept things as they are  and move on with her life.The serenity of accepting things that she couldn't longer change somehow brought a certain kind of peace inside her aching heart.For the past year she had suffered enough and she realized that she have to make a decision to reinvent her life and move forward.She is thankful that although she no longer have a wife to rely on she still have kids  to love and to cherish and for now she will  devout her time being a good mother to them.For now that is enough.She still is on the road to recovery for her wounded heart.

She had asked the firm to grant her 2 weeks vacation leave in an excuse that she'll be going for a 'retreat' which is a whitelie but really she just wants time for herself to think things through and startover with her life.

Thankfully the firm granted her vacation leave and now she is just savoring the solemnity of being herself to catch up with the moments that she missed. She first began with sorting  things that have remnants of Mina and put them away inside a box with some she put  up in the attic and some she deliberately thrown in the bin and torch them.She decided that if she would like to startover with her life she should start by getting away with things that will make her remember the times that they were together.From their anniversary and wedding photos,Mina's books,her choice of bedsheets,her clothes and perfume,her crochet set and collections of fine China porcelain.She completely stripped down her house with every bits and mementos of Mina to a point that she even hire housepainters to change the wall color of the house because they were Mina's favorite.All that is left were the ghosts of the past and a tale of forgotten love.Their forgotten love.

These days she busied herself reading books and drinking her all time favorite Pinot Noir. There is nothing in this world more relaxing by reading a good book with a glass of red wine in hand a little indulgent she always crave for to help her think and relax.

It was past 10am and to kill her time she decided to watch some baseball game  but with the Yankees losing the quarter finals of the game she skipped the chanel and  watched Bigbang Theory and How I Met Your Mother instead,her all time favorite next to F.R.I.E.N.D.S.After getting enough eyesore from watching TV she got up from the couch to have some lunch.She decided to make some friedrice and top it with ham and sausage.She remember her daughter Tara and her weird taste by putting peanut butter at the top of anything that is fried which up until now amused her.She giggle at the recollection of her cute princess, her kids were simply amazing.His eldest son a soccer player at his school will be on college next year and her daughter will also start school,it amaze her how time flew fast.

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