Thank You For The Broken Heart

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Soundtrack: J.Rice-Thank You For The Broken Heart

Third Person POV:

Chaeyoung adjusted the collar of her white button sleeves while looking at the mirror.These days she was agitated because she knew something was really off between her and Mina's affair.She hardly call it an affair because technically Mina was her wife.


She scoff at herself on how ridiculous the notion is when what she all did is to claim what was hers in the first place.At the same time she was wondering why everything boils down to this overly complex web of complications that they were into specially turning their backs and backstabbing their lovers.These days she can't even make a proper eye contact with Irene and she was avoiding every chance conversation they have regarding their relationship especially the talks about their future together.

For Chaeyoung she knew it was cruel and Irene is not that dense.She was stupid but at the same time she was being honest with herself because she's still in love with Mina.Maybe it's time to cut the cords and freed her long before it became heavy and painful for both of them but she didn't know how to.

All of a sudden she felt soft warm lips on the side of her neck.Chaeyoung closed and eyes not wanting to met the other's gaze or else guilt will swallow her up whole.

"Can you stay longer please?"

Irene said pouting over by her shoulder.Chaeyoung chuckled although inside she felt a kind of ache inside her heart.

"I can't honey I have to go somewhere else"

Chaeyoung said stoically looking straight in the mirror.Irene immediately let go from the embrace and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Where will you go?"

Irene asked almost inaudible and lifeless. Chaeyoung closed her eyes and bit her lip.She can't tell for sure that she was on her way to go to Mina's place to get her into talking because she doesn't know right now what is happening between them, where are they going, and why is she being given the cold shoulder again.She knew something had happened and she's hell nervous that maybe Jin discovered what they'd been hiding all this time.She's worrying for Mina though.

"I have a prospect client that I have to meet" Chaeyoung said not really thinking and sigh afterwards.She heard Irene scoff on the side of her bed.

"Oh really? Haven't you had working your ass lately meeting a lot of prospect clients wasn't that too much?" Irene asked in a suspecting manner.

"I have to that's how I make a living honey"Chaeyoung said back not daring to look back at Irene's direction.She heard her scoff again.

"Was it nice?" She said, Chaeyoung glance on her side to meet Irene's scrutinizing stares.Her heart fell immediately when she saw tears forming from Irene's eyes.

"Was it nice to go to her place and screw her and then go to my place and screw me afterwards?" Irene said bitterly, Chaeyoung stood on her spot speechless.

"Do you think I am stupid not to notice?" Irene said, now with gritted teeth.

"DO YOU THINK I AM THAT STUPID?!!" Irene yelled at her, Chaeyoung was stupified.

"You're an asshole Chaeyoung!" Irene said as she deliver a hurtful slap across Chaeyoung's cheek.

"I am sorry" This is all Chaeyoung said meeting Irene's hurt stares.

"Wow you're sorry? Ofcourse apologizing will make it better you can just go sleep with anyone and apologizing after"Irene chuckled mockingly.

"I am gonna tell you soon actually it's just that I am buying enough time" Chaeyoung muttered in defense.

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