Warning Signs

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Soundtrack: Coldplay-Warning Signs

A/N: This is how I imagine Chaeyoung and Mina in this chapter.* Chaeyoung cut her long hair and make it short again when Mina's mother died and it's because it's too hot in Boston.

* Chaeyoung cut her long hair and make it short again when Mina's mother died and it's because it's too hot in Boston

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Third Person POV:

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Third Person POV:

"Pretty miss is this seat taken?" Chaeyoung said as she sat on a vacant seat next to a smiling Mina.Mina just chuckled with the silliness of her ex-wife.

"You are late dear" Mina said as she nudge Chaeyoung's arms with her elbow.

"I know" Chaeyoung retorted whilst giving her an eyeroll.

"You are lucky Tara hasn't played her part yet" Mina lean on her ears in a whisper.

"Im sorry I got stuck in traffic" Chaeyoung replied.

"Ok fine, did you bring the camcorder?"  Mina asked.

"Yes I have it here" Chaeyoung said as she show Mina the small Sony  camcorder she have in hand.

The two turning their attention to the play infront of them. Both mothers were smiling ear to ear as they anticipate for their cute little angel to appear on the stage.They were both excited at the same time nervous praying that their cute little daughter will not forget her lines on stage.

Tara's kindegarten 2 class held a small musical play, the title of the musical is Three Little Kittens in which Tara will be playing the role of one of the kittens.
Little Tara appeared on the stage with other two kittens the three singing with glee as they approach their knitting mother cat  on the center of the stage.The atmosphere of the play is lively with the happy tune of the piano playing in the air.

"Awww my little noogie is so cute" Chaeyoung said as she turn into fluffy mush seeing her adorable daughter on stage with cute kitty costume.

"You know what I gave her a little amulet,I told her that as long as she has the amulet she will never be having a stage fright" Mina said on soft subtle voice to Chaeyoung's ears.

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