Love Will Find A Way

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Soundtrack:Shayne Ward-Breathless

Third Person POV:

The drive to Saving Hope medical center was a 30 minute drive from Frankfurt.Usually long drives bore her to death and she will always asked Jin to drive her instead.But today is unlike other days,usually she needed him to be a perfect diversion with all the ruckus going on inside her head.Jin is a chatty person,the life of the party,he is like a walking casette tape no one was ever getting bored with the chatty Jin,that is why he likes the guy in the first place.He is the perfect diversion.

He always is.

Today Mina felt like he didn't need him that it was better for her to confront the voices inside her head.

She always dislikes hospital.The blinding white walls,nurses and doctors in face mask,the scent of anesthetics and formalin is like a phobia she had gone accustomed with.

All she could hear were the soft clicking of her heels and the muffled noises around her.The sound of the gurney being pushed by people towards the emergency room,the screeching sound of a patients wheelchair and the sound of intercom blaring inside.

Room 127

Mina looked up the said number on the door and brought her knuckles on the door until she heard a tiny voice saying she should come in.Mina adjusted the knobs and  turned herself in.

Scene like this always horrifies her, everytime she opened the door she was always greeted by the inexplainable sadness that left her bothered on the way home.The whole room is like a gloomy painting, with just the flower on the vase adding color in it.

"Hi Sowon is she awake?"

Mina asked in a subtle delicate manner not to rouse the  peaceful sleeping person across the hospital bed.

"Oh she's fast asleep unnie" the latter said.

Mina put her coat on the hanger and  replaced the nearly wilting marigolds and baby's breath with fresh ones.Her mothers favorites.

"Im glad you visited her Mina unnie she talks about yòu all the time"

Sowon said,Mina smile heartily as she sat on the bedside of her mother and held the latters seemingly cold hands.She is getting paler and paler each time she pay's her a visit.This is evident from the visible red and blue veins on the poor womans hands.This was enough for Mina's resolve to crumble as tears escsped from her eyes.Sowon reached over and engulf her in a hug.

"I talked to her doctor he said mom can't no  longer handle the chemo that the cancer already spread even on her right lungs"

Mina said as she hurriedly wipe the tears from her eyes.Sowon break herself from the hug and sat beside her.

"I know unnie, she is seem tired of it all too.It always pain me every time I witnessed what chemo does to her" 

Sowon said as she clasped both of her hands,they both look at the person with all the wires attached on it's fragile body.

"Thank you Sowon for doing this to mom" Mina said as she look at her kind cousin with gratitude.The latter smile at her warmly.

"No Mina unnie I am more thankful to you and to your mom,without you both I didn't know how I survived my life" she said back with a tear threatening to fall from her eyes.

Mina's mother was battling an advanced stage of breast cancer.The cancer had methastasized and spread across her lungs and some of her internal organs.Her doctors told her frankly that her mom's battle seems approaching a near end already.Mina knew in her heart that it is seeing how sallow and shrunken her features had become.The once bubbly mother that she knew and grew up with full of vital and life faded into a pale,skinny woman with various wires attached to it's fragile body holding on to dear life.  Nevertheless still beautiful as far as Mina could remember, her mother is always beautiful even on the last days of her life.

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