Love Is A Bitch

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Song: Love Is A Bitch-Two Feet

Third Person POV:

Chaeyoung drummed her fingers on the smooth surface of the beanie couch as she kept on tapping the polished marble floor with her Keds shoes.

It was a fine Thursday morning, she checked the clock plastered on the beige wall of the small office indicating it was 8:56 am four minutes away from her schedule with her new therapist named Dr.Kim Taehyung.

Chaeyoung was used to be in shrink's office she had been ever since she met her good therapist-friend Dr.Yoo. With her going back to America Dr.Yoo recommended a good friend of her Dr.Kim to continue her scheduled therapy and as per agreement it will be every Thursday's at 9am.

The door clinked indicating an entrance of a person.
He wore a sky blue colored buttoned up sleeves and she guessed that the label was Polo.Her black slacks were safety held by an Hermes belt and he wore one of those good looking smoothly polished loafers brand shoes.The person is hip and stylish with a moused hair that made him look like a person straight from a manga comics.The person sat opposite of her in one of the beanie chairs with a clipboard and paper in hand.

"You must be architect Son right? I am Dr. Kim Taehyung by the way your new therapist and Dr.Yoo is my old good friend pleasure to met you"

He said as he extended a hand for her to shake.His hand was smooth and he flashed one of those genuine smile that crinkled his eyes upward.Dr.Kim was pretty handsome up close.

He got a pen from the pocket of her polo sleeves and started clicking and unclicking it while he looked at some papers in Chaeyoung's guest they were all the reports coming from Dr.Yoo with all their therapy session.While he is doing that Chaeyoung looked at how cool his office is.It was far from the office of Dr.Yoo on S.K. which is plain and boring that she even volunteered herself to renovate the Dr.'s place which the latter thought was silly.Dr.Kims office had a very cool ambiance with beige wall paint and some cool wall painting.Chaeyoung never really like modern arts like picasso because it gave ber headaches but there is something absolutely magical with the paintings on the wall it's like they speak of volumes to her inner soul.Dr.Kim was maybe into pottery too since there is one rack full of glazed pottery display in it.What Chaeyoung liked the most is one whole rack filled with various action figures from Marvel to DC and other insteresting stuff, at least they have something in common because she is a collector herself.Dr.Kim noticed as he looked at Chaeyoung's wondering eyes as he lowered down her huge framed glasses.

"Do you collect stuff?"

Chaeyoung's musing was startled by Dr.Kim's inquiry.

"Yes,I did"

Dr.Kim settled the paper's down and initiate a conversation with her.

"I am an avid collector ever since I am in highschool,I even work odd jobs to buy those limited edition action figures"

"Oh I see,they're pretty slick aren't they?"

"Yes,they are"

"Those Ironman action figures were pretty dope"

Dr.Kim nod  his head in agreement as Chaeyoung herself was amused of all the Ironman suit collectibles inside the doctor's office.She just have the original Ironman suit action figure on her collectibles and she felt so envy.

"Yeah they caused me good 10 gran for all of those freakin suit"

Dr.Kim chuckled while Chaeyoung bulged her eyes in shock.Who the hell would pay 10 gran for bunch of toys.

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