Here Comes Goodbye

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Soundtrack: Rascal Flats- Here Comes Goodbye


(Their small apartment in Miller drive, Mina's 5 months pregnant with Daniel ,year 2020)

"Here it is" said by a very exhausted Chaeyoung as she haphazardly threw her car keys on the living room and sprawl on the couch leaving all groceried items on the living room table.

Mina smile from ear to ear as she left her knitting materials on the arm chair and look over the pile of grocery items left unattended by her visibly tired lover.

She rummaged on the pile of brown paper bags to look for something, when she found the item she had been searching she knitted her eyebrows and sulkily went to the direction of an almost sleeping Chaeyoung and kick her in the shin that caused the latter to groan in intense pain.

"What?!" said by a visibly annoyed Chaeyoung nursing  the throbbing pain from her kicked shin.

"These were ripe!" Shot back by an extremely irritated and very pregnant Myoui.

"Exactly because they were mangoes for christs sake Mina what will you expect!" Chaeyoung said in gritted teeth whilst palming her forehead.

"I told you to buy me unripe mangoes Chaeyoung! I can't believe that you are prematurely senile for your own age and what you are just 21!" half yelled by Mina who is almost on the verge of throwing another of her crazy tantrums. Chaeyoung took a deep breath slowly and close her eyes repeating a mantra that she'd been saying in her mind on steady repeat these days.

"She's pregnant Chaeyoung and she has fucked up hormones just be patient and calm your ass down"

"She's pregnant Chaeyoung and she has fucked up hormones just be patient and calm your ass down"

"She's pregnant Chaeyoung and she has fucked up hormones just be patient and calm your ass down"

"She's pregnant Chaeyoung and she has fucked up hormones just be patient and calm your ass down"

Chaeyoung's inner monologue chant was disrupted by a now very stark raved mutinous looking Mina with hands on her hips.Chaeyoung muttered a silent curse and grab her car keys harshly on the center table as she will be on a very ardous journey to scour the whole city and look for an unripe mango for christ sake.

"And please also find some *bagoong to match it with!" Mina said before Chaeyoung reached for the door handle. Chaeyoung on the other hand grabbed the tendrils of her short locks and let out a very annoyed groan.

*bagoong- fermented fish paste

After some grueling two hours Chaeyoung went back very exhausted from her holy grail search for unripe mangoes.Her overall appearance is like some idiot who had searched an entire jungle looking for a non-existent fruit to satisfy her weird wife's weird cravings.She never thought that her wife's pregnancy is like a weird trip inside a mental asylum it's funny how hormones really fucked us hard,she thought to herself. Well, she took a vow of for better or for worst so yeah fuck that.

She latched open on the door and was greeted by a very bubbly looking Mina who immediately grab the brown paper bag from her hands not minding her overall scruffy appearance at all.Her wife only did care for that damn mangoes.Chaeyoung let out an exasperated groan and sprawl herself again on the sofa.

"Where did you get these?" Mina asked as she began  peeling the green mangoes happily.

"Somewhere" Chaeyoung lifelessly answered as she fished out her phone to entertain herself.

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