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First, my heart felt apology for my dear readers who I know up until now can not yet still recover from that traumatic "hang-up" on how I ended Mina and Chaeyoung's tragic love affair. I know I am brute with the ending and as some of you will put it " wala akong puso"( I am heartless).haha😂.

Last night after I published the last chapter I was flooded with PM's and what not that the story deserves a happy ending.

Well yeah it is, sino ba naman ang ayaw ng happy ending? Di ba @seju-ah?😂

Actually to be honest after Chapter 17 I wrote three alternate endings for the HYSL. One of which is a happy ending for the couple,the other is a semi-happy ending and the last one is what I published last night. It gave me really headaches as to what kind of ending does this story deserves,then I look back at my readers response when I asked them 5 relative questions regarding pivotal things about the story.It all came down to that the story should have a happy ending.

As a writer I was torn as to with the desire to please my audience and to create a craft that is not relative to general audience taste buds. For the past few days I have decided to really published the happy ending narrative for the story but on the day that I will publish it I really thought hard and started contemplating.

First, I thought life is a series of tragedies and happy endings are just some sappy delusions our mind wants to believe.More like a "wishful thinking". I know some of you will argue with me regarding this because generally our goal in life is to be happy and yes people have different notions and interpretation of what happiness is. But as a writer I want to be realistic with the innate nature of human emotion and the context of human tragedy and its relation to the grand scheme of things.

It's heart breaking also for me to choose that kind of ending but I thought to myself that I will leave it up to my audience musings on how they will picture out the protagonist's life (Chaeyoung) after Mina's untimely death.It is like putting ones self in Chaengie's shoes and look forward to what life will offer now that her wife was  deceased.

For me I personally believe that Chaeyoung's character is strong that she will in the right time will accept Mina's death and move on with her life, focusing her time for her two children. I think one day Chaeyoung will soon begin to understand why things happened the way its is and will wake up in an epiphany that life doesn't stops with anybody because life is a constant stream that flows onwards.I believe Chaeyoung will move on with her life the way how Mina would like her to be, imagining everyday that Mina was still there with her in her heart and her memory.Maybe someday in another life time they will meet again and maybe fate will be kinder this time and won't let them be separated again.This much at least is how I imagine it to be.


On additional note building the character of Chaeyoung and Mina is one of the most difficult ordeal that I have went through.Supposedly at first when I wrote this it is supposed to be a gender bender with Chaeyoung portraying a male role but in the end I decided for two protagonist to be female.Why? Because I want to believe that in the future the society is more accepting with this kind of relationship that it is no longer be a taboo to have this some kind of set-up.In our country,the Philippines, our society already embraces this kind of set-up but still remains conservative when it comes to state laws empowering "modern" family set-ups and the LGBTQ community in general.Still, I must say that people in our country aren't that condescending anymore and had come to accept this community little by little.Me,personally I never felt any kind of prejudice (except my😂) with the people around me knowing that I am an out and proud bisexual.I don't know in other countries if they have the same treatment as we do.

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