You Are The Reason

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Soundtrack: Callum Hood- You Are The Reason

Authors note: *Please play the sound track above from the video that I posted.

Third Person POV:

Love was something heavy for her. Something she had to carry and it was like an open wound, like an ache and missing that has grown too heavy. Most days don't hurt until she allowed them to. Sometimes she indulge herself to call sadness and embrace it like a lover to uncover the great mysteries it withheld in itself.

Love is an ache that burns like fire, and in the end love reveal itself in her face who it aches for and it was none other than....


With alarming morbidity she run blindly inside Saving Hope medical hospital. All she could hear was the loud beating of her heart and the heavy pounding of her head as flashbacks flooded her tumultuous mind like a flash flood of montage playing inside her head. Time seemed to defy her as she raced towards the emergency room where Mina is. Her heart was swirling in immense pain like someone had driven a truck right through it and left a gaping hole in its wake.

This can't be happening, she won't accept any of this. Mina is going to be alright, she can't be badly hurt. Thick clumps of salty tears fell from her eyes as her mind race along with that dreadful feeling that she felt inside her over beating heart.

[Flashback ] ~When Mina first moved in together in their newly brought apartment

"Hey" Chaeyoung wrapped her body slowly and tucked her chin on her wife's smooth shoulders her arms enclosed snuggly on the others body.

"You are early my love" Mina retorted as she flipped the French bread on the pan making a slight sizzling sound. Chaeyoung tightened her embrace and place soft butterfly kisses on her shoulders that tickles the latter.

"Stop doing that you are distracting me" Mina huffed in between tickles that doesn't stop her lover from doing her ministrations.

" I want you to be distracted cup cake and put all your attention to me only" Chaeyoung played coyly as she playfully nibble now the latters shoulder as Mina try her might to escape from her teasing lover. With all strength Chaeyoung turned her around and trapped her using her small body with a sly grin on her  face.

"Checkmate" she retorted sheepishly while Mina was mirthlessly chuckling with her wife's antics. Chaeyoung move closer and closer towards the latter's face who is now with half lidded eyes and capture the latter in a soft sensual kiss.

For Chaeyoung there's no word in the world she could articulate how she felt everytime she kisses her. It is not like those fireworks that most people describe it for her it is more than that, all she could feel is a certain warmth that envelopes her entire being telling her that she was home.

Mina's heart was her home.

Everytime she was away she  always searched for that warmth.

She always searched for that home.

Chaeyoung feeling overwhelmed with that euphoric feeling placed a tender kiss on the latters forehead.

"You are being naughty my darling" Mina said as she pinched Chaeyoung's nose.

"I have to so that my wife will not get bored with me, I have to be spontaneous" said by the latter with James Dean like gaze. Mina chuckled and pecked her lover on the lips.

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