To Where My Heart Was

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"where do broken hearts go
can they find their way home,
back into the open arms
of a love that is waiting there
and if somebody loves you
won't they always love you
and i look in your eyes and
I knew that you still care for me"

She raise the glass of the cold scotch into her mouth relishing the bitter taste of it.With bored expression she listen to Whitney Houstons song that felt like it was mocking her stabbing her repeatedly across the chest until it bled out profusely and left her dead inside.If she was drunk enough she might have ripped off that obnoxious stereo attached on the plastered wall of the bar and torched it into flames.Lucky enough she was not yet that drunk it was just her third glass so in the end saner head prevails.She signalled the pretty bartender to give her another glass which she deligently obliged.

"To hearts that have been broken motherfuckers" she said to herself and gulp it in full.The bitter taste kicked and it made her face contorted into weird angles.Up until now she can't get used to that devilish bitter taste which is just perfect to nurse her broken heart.The bartender looked at her with an amused expression while she prepares another concoction on the long island.Her shift had already ended an hour ago but like always she always extends her time to patiently wait for her favorite customer who always drops by at wee hours of the evening to have a drink.Her usual order Glenlivet on the rocks.

It was already 11pm and bar patrons started to get themselves home save from some bored folks playing by the pool bar.She was seated on a barstool counter tracing the lips of the scotch glass using her index finger.She was into a very deep thought and it hurt Irene to see this very sad fellow that way.Everyday except for weekends she was like that sitting on the same spot  with that cold scotch in her hands wearing that same lonely expression on her face.Up until now Irene doesn't have the courage to approach this sad fellow. She wasn't really nosy with peoples affair in general but sometimes she thought this fellow might need some good company.With no second thoughts she heave a sigh and bravely approach her.Thankfully that fellow was the only one left at the counter so it might as well be good to have a chitchat to pass the time.

"Your drinks will be on the house tonight" she said almost awkwardly hoping that this stranger might took notice of her.The stranger lazily looked at her with a puzzled expression and look sideways to see if she was the one being spoken to by this kind staff.

"Uhm, thanks miss" she said as she smile kindly to her.It was the first time Irene saw that smile on her face and she took notice of this womans dimpled smile and cold husky voice that almost make her squirm.She is too cute.

After that silence enveloped them as things were seem back to normal again where Irene continously serve her drinks and this lonely fellow stared at nothing in particular but blank space.It irked Irene that things were awkward again and she mentally face palm why she said that this lady's drink will be on the house tonight.Her brother the owner of the bar she's working might have strangled her if he finds out.She sighed again for the umpteenth time today and relish at the thought that atleast she saw the smile crept from the woman's cute face. She was now busy preparing some hot cocoa for herself it was very cold she might just warm herself up.As she prepare it she took some glance on the girls side profile.It's shocking that this girl was not being crept out by her.She is being a creep with that thought she mentally face palm again.In her defense she can't help it.There is just something that pulls her towards this girl, she is like a mystery to her that she wanted to decode.

From her asessment this woman must be broken hearted by the looks of it.She must be somewhat 27 to 30 years old.She was wearing a simple white polo shirt which is tucked on her blue jeans and some ladies black leather shoes.She looked very handsome on her looks due to her KStew  haircut.With one look she could've been mistaken as a cute matinee idol guy.She looked so femininely handsome with her long eyelashes,pale red chapstick that really suited her and a well manicured black nails.Irene can't help but to admire this fellow dreamily that's why she haven't noticed that the fellow move out from her seat to seat on a barstool infront of a drooling Irene.

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