The Heavy Lifting

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Soundtrack: Alone- (Chaeyoung) Melody Project


College of Business Administration Acquaintance Party, Fall 2017.

"Hey" said by a relatively small figure startling Mina making her hand involuntarily clutch her chest.

"Im sorry to startle you pretty miss but is this seat taken?" the person asked smiling widely to a mildly annoyed Mina who responded on the latters inquiry by rolling her eyes.

"Chaeyoung what are you doing here?" asked by a perplexed Mina.

"What?" Chaeyoung feignly answered.Mina gave her an eye roll.

"This party is exclusive only for business majors what are you doing here you're an architecture major!" Mina sauntered.

"Last time I check I am still a student at Boston University and as far as I know we are living in a free country Minari" Chaeyoung said full of bravado,instead of becoming annoy the latter's action made Mina chuckle.

"You goof what if they caught you party crashing our department?"

"Nahh they wouldn't trust me on this Mina I can blend in with the crowd that easily and I memorized Da's Capital here in my head in case some will suspect"

"Oh you troublemaker, why are you really really here Chaeyoung?"

Chaeyoung let out a sigh and pointed to a certain direction.Mina look at where Chaeyoung pointed and saw Chaeyoung's bestfriend Tzuyu dancing intimately waist deep lip locking with her bestfriend Sana.Mina let out an annoyed grunt and faced a smug looking Chaeyoung.

"You two are really a pain in the ass especially you Son Chaeyoung.Why are you here and don't ever dare point into the direction of those horndogs as excuse"

Chaeyoung let out a boisterous laugh at Mina's blunt stride over the two 'horny' lovers dancing scratch that more like swallowing each other whole on a secluded dark corner of the dance hall with Sana crazily hovering her hands at a very sharp looking Tzuyu in a smart tuxedo.Mina face palm she will be having a sleepless night tonight.

'Oh boy the Snake and the perverted Green Alien'

Chaeyoung concentrate her gaze on Mina and grabbed her warm hands.Chaeyoung can't help not to admire this beautiful woman infront of her in a stunningly beautiful bohemian knee length dress her light brown hair curled at the loops and her luscious lips tinted in a bright shade of red.Chaeyoung felt her heart beat beating crazily it made her breath hitched.

"I went here because I don't want random guys to just go and 'grope' you hon" Chaeyoung said straight forward.Mina chuckled and blushed by the others revelation thus poking her by the shoulders.

"This is a social dance Chaeyoung guys were supposed to 'grope' me" Mina joked naughtily trying to annoy the latter. Chaeyoung gave her a glare.

"I don't want you to be 'mishandled' that's all" Chaeyoung said air qouting the word mishandled as she shoved her hands on the pockets of her pants and look at the opposite direction hiding her blushed face. Mina giggled finding this entire ordeal cute.

"So what are you guarding me from men who will try to 'mishandle' me?" Mina answered air qouting the word like the latter did. Chaeyoung mirthlessly laugh.

"I volunteered my way here pretty miss because I want to be the only person who is allowed to 'mishandle' you honey" Chaeyoung retorted air qouting it again.Mina chuckled showing her gummy smile with how funny their conversation had become an air qouting battle.

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