You Are My Lighthouse, I am The Lost Seafarer

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Soundtrack: Patrick Watson-Lighthouse

Third Person POV:

It was raining.

A heavy down pour.

One week after her mom was buried Mina always finds comfort looking at the old photographs of her and her mom growing up.

She leafed the pages of the photo album as she reminisced all of the moments she had spent with her.
They had each other's back for years,she was her fort,her pillar and source of strength.With her personal life into shambles she felt so lost.

Today the sky paint her miseries in that heavy downpour just like her heart.Her heart was heavy and in grief, and  she felt like a hypocrite keeping a promise to her mom,a promise that she can't keep.

"I am not alright mom Im sorry"

She said particularly to no one but herself.All of a sudden she felt the couch dipped and a certain man with grey hair thumbing the tears falling from her cheeks.

"It's okay not to be alright" her father says with her broken american accent as she sat beside her with a cup of warm Oolong tea in hand. The concept of a father is still alien to her.Mina's father was a nice man,a well known farmer in Nagoya had return to their lives on the last ailing days of her departed mom.A week after Noriko's demise from cancer Mina asked her father to stay with them for the mean time to get to know him personally which the latter gladly accepted.

"Thanks papa" Mina said as she put away the photo albums and urged a small conversation with her Japanese father.

"Two lovers in the rain have no need of an umbrella" Heiji said out of the blue as he watched the heavy down pour of rain outside.Mina smiled, her father saw her smile and  smile back too.

"It's a japanese proverb that always reminds me everytime it rained,it also remind me of your mother Noriko.We met when it was raining like this one,a heavy down pour" he said as both of them mused over the serinity of their surroundings.

"Tell me something about her papa about how  you two met and fell in love" Mina inquired as she lay her head on his gentle shoulders and intwine her small hands to his father's callous one's both listening to the hum drum of the rain outside.

"I was 30 years old that time, we came from a relatively poor family in Nishi-ku,Nagoya.My father was a farmer so was I, we're so poor that I'd just managed to finish high school.I got married in an early age of 23,I thought your aunt Haruko was the one not until I met your mom.I supposed you know all of these when you told me you'd read the letter's I sent to your mom right?" Heiji inquired.Mina just subtly nod's her head and urged her dad to continue.

"Most of people in our hometown went to America to find fortune which some forunately  did.Not wanting  my own family to suffer an impoverish life I enrolled in an english class for 3 months  and left home and went to America as an illegal immigrant.Life was okay,I was working two jobs mechanic in the morning and a waiter in casino at night.Life was good and little by little I managed to send enough to Haruko and my father,your grandpa Akihito. My father bought parcels of land to cultivate for  farming and we also managed to raise cattles and sheeps.It was all fine and I was happy that I am making a fortune not until the american authorities caught me with all my fake papers and documents.I was notified to be deported back to Japan and can't be back to America not unless I have valid documents and a working visa.For a while I stopped working, I told my father and wife what had happened to me.I was detained in the Japanese embassy and that's where I met your mom"

"What was mom like?" Mina asked with a droopy eyes.

"The first time I met her, I felt like everything stopped and faded into slow motion"

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