The Quiet Sobs in Our Silent Hearts

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Song Track: Coldplay- Sparks

Third Person POV

Chaeyoung chugged the bottle of water till her hearts content, she left it aside and continue with what she is doing. The sun was blazing high and she was sweating profusely as she hull the mound of dirt on the ground with the shovel.

"Noona can we have a break it's so hot I think I am seconds away from having a heat stroke" Chaeyoung's younger brother Jungkook said exasperatedly as he swept a thick layer of sweat that formed on his forehead.

"Gosh Jungie we can't finish these things up if you kept on lazing your butt off" she said as she ignored her younger brothers incessant mumbling.Jungkook rolled her eyes over her noona.

"I can't believe that you enjoy doing this stuff around and to think that you're already 37 noona I am really shookt, may I ask are you on steroids?"

He asked her noona haughtily. The latter chuckled and throw an ample amount of dirt towards Jungkook using her shovel. It later turned into a dirt fight between the two.They were like small kids again. They were both stopped by a loud whistle.

"Boy's come on, your mom prepare sweet potato pancakes"

The old man with sturdy built and grey locks called over them. Chaeyoung rolled her eyes over the old man's remarks as she walked towards the Cabana shade adjacent to the front yard that she and his youngest brother was trying to landscape.Jungkook on the other hand excitedly went towards the source of food.

"Dad you're a sexist and I am not a guy" she said as she threw a small punch on his fathers broad shoulders.The latter just boisterously laugh.Her mother had laid freshly cooked sweet potato pancakes and cold grape juice on the small table in the middle of the Cabana hut.

"Technically you're not but please do the honor and consider yourself" he said in return.The four of them laugh heartily with the remark and settled in eating the sweet delicious treat in peace.

At times like this Chaeyoung's heart was in peace.No work that made her nights sleepless.It made her also forget about the ache inside her throbbing heart.Admittedly, she thought that it was selfish of her to left her kids behind and went back to her parents in Jeju to have some time to heal herself from all the bad things that had happened in her life. After giving it some thought and talking to her parents and her kids she decided that it was the best thing to do at that moment.

It had been exactly four months since her wee stay in her parents residence in the small town of Hanrim in Jeju .The first month was extremely hard for Chaeyoung that her parents talked to her in seeing a therapist to process the pain and hurt inside her. At first Chaeyoung resented the idea but eventually give in due to her mother's constant coaxing. The therapy helped Chaeyoung a lot, Dr. Yoo Jungyeon more than being her therapist had become a good friend of hers in the process.

They often met twice a week in the said doctors small office in the city.Other than that they also went out for coffee and talk about mundane things in each other's lives.Sometimes Dr. Yoo invited her over family dinners and small family occasions.For Chaeyoung things had become lighter and it was thanks to the people around her who help her greatly to lift the baggage she have inside.The scars hasn't healed yet but she is getting there.Day by day she is still struggling, she is still reminiscing and she is still weeping but she allowed herself to feel all of these emotion as a part of her healing process.She just let things be and believe that one day she will wake up without the hurt inside torturing her.

More than ever she missed her kids especially her youngest daughter who she almost talked to everyday over skype and viber. She is more than happy that her youngest despite her young age seemed to understand the situation that they were into. Tara had been a brave and courageous child all along just like herself. Her daughter was a bright young child who kept on boasting to her the star stamps she had been receiving in school on a daily basis.The kid was a bright happy pill that serves as her sunshine in her gloomy days.

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