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It's already two months into the senior year of high school for a certain boy, and he's board out of his mind in his first period, Pre-AP Calculus. The teacher gave everyone a textbook page to do, but he hadn't started on it and decided he'd do it tonight.
  "The bell is going to ring is five minutes, go ahead and pack up," the teacher says, then the class breaks into several groups of people talking and the sound of desks accidentally being bumped.
  "Have a good day," the teacher sighs, and as soon as he does the kids pile out the door and the bell rings. A small Korean is the last one out and he seems to almost be walking out alone when a small Indian girl catches him.
  "Keith!" she squeaks, "I've finally finished the Hero's of Olympus series!"
  "Calm yourself," the boy, now known as Keith, says and flicks the frame of her glasses with his pointer finger.
She ignores the flick and continues with what she was saying, "It was so good and Leo might as well be one of my top favorites." Keith rolls his eyes and keeps walking.
"Like, I feel so bad for him though..." the girl trails. This girls name is Supreethi. Keith has known her since seventh grade and met her in a little thing called Honor Band back in middle school when he was still allowed to play trumpet. They've been friends since.
"I still need to manage to read that. It sounds like a pretty good series," Keith finally says, making himself known to people around him.
"Oh, I also heard that Tatiana cried over parts of the book while reading, and I'm dead, because I managed to not cry even once," the little Indian says and shifts her backpack on her back.
"You can tease her about it in third, now head to class," the small Korean boy chuckles and pushes Supreethi in front of him to her next class.
"Fine, I'll see you in third," she says and makes her way down a hallway to the left of them. Keith continues down the hallway until he makes it to the grand hallway where almost everyone gathers in the five minutes in between classes. He makes his way across the hallway and into the second half of the West hallway to the fork of the North and South hallways. He makes his way down the North hallway, also known as the Artist hallway. All of the art classes are contained down this hallway. Keith himself is currently in Pre-AP art, and is taking AP art the next semester.
The two minute bell rings and stops as soon as he steps into room N216. He can feel excitement fill him as he sits at the end of his row, a girl comes in and plops herself down next to him. She's a big on the bigger side, but is actually very pretty otherwise. She also has a nose ring and brown–almost red–streaks in her hair.
"Hey," she says, and Keith hasn't bothered to learn her name. Keith smacks a smile on his face and nods. He then turns forward and shoves his hands in his hoodie pockets until the last bell rings and the teacher walks in. He then takes one hand out and looks at his rust to see if he has a hair band. He does and takes out his other hand to pull his hair back.
"I will take roll, then we'll start class," the teacher, Ms. Grooms begins. Keith ignores everyone else's name, but is one of the first fifteen to be called, so he waits for his name.
He notices someone walk up to the door, and then two knocks are heard as Ms. Grooms finishes the names. She walks up to the door and twists the handle up to open the door, something everyone down this hallway has to do.
"Come on in," the teacher says and opens the door wider only to reveal a boy in a white collared shirt and jeans with a baby blue cardigan that makes his skin seem darker than it really is. The teacher waves the boy along, and the senior principal follows. The teacher leans over to her desk, pulls a thing of sticky notes and a pen off it. She writes something and gives it to the boy. He nods and turns around to the white board behind him. He grabs a marker and starts to write. Keith starts to read, Hello, my name is Lance. I am deaf. There are a few gasps, but the teacher gives the boy another sticky note and the boy makes his way to the table in the back and sits in the middle beside a ginger boy and a boy with brown and purple hair.
"Everyone please be nice to Lance as it is his first day here. Positive energy is the only energy I allow in this room," the teacher continues as the principal walks out of the room.
"Yes Ma'am," The class says and she grabs a paper off her desk then a stack of slightly tinted paper. She starts to hand out the paper to everyone, and the paper she grabbed off her desk ends up in front of the new kid.
Keith takes the paper in front of him and a pencil as the teacher starts to explain what they are doing today.

The end of class is upon the teens and adults and everyone is enveloped in their own work. They are in the process of making a sketch of their favorite animals just to be drawn over with a fine tipped pen or brush pen. Keith has been putting almost too much detail into the hippo he decided to draw, and is planning to try and finish the sketch tonight at home.
"The bell will sound here in the next ten minutes. Does anyone have physics next or is heading that way?" Only two boys raise their hands. One being Keith and the other being a small junior by the name of Jason.
"Can one of you please take Lance down to Mr. Louis' classroom and get him situated there? You may miss the first five minutes of your third period, so I'll write to your teacher," the teacher says and motions for one of the boys to come to her desk.
"I can't miss any of my next class," the boy known as Jason says. Keith is then forced to stand up and walk to his teachers desk. He didn't mind missing first five or so minutes, so he decided it wouldn't be too bad to take Lance that way. The teacher gets Keith's next teachers email, then walks him through several steps of things to do, and sends him to Lances seat. Keith takes Lances white board and marker, in which the boy doesn't pick up until about twenty seconds later when Keith had just gotten done a sentence. Keith finished his little speech, actually pretty proud of his grammar, and let's the boy read it, I'm keith, I'll walk you to your next class and get you situated. Sound good? The boy looks up at Keith then back down at the board. He has excitement in his eyes, and Keith picks it up right away, pretty happy with himself. Lance decides to write back, and grabs the uncapped marker out of Keith's hand and erases what Keith wrote on the board with his sleeve, leaving a small darker blue section on the sweater. He quickly writes and turns the board around, That sounds great! Thank you very much! Keith looks straight at the boy after reading, and can see that he's trying to suppress his joy. Keith nods with basically no expression, but grabs the marker back and erases the board with his sleeve, no spot being left due to it being a navy blue color. He write a few words down and let's Lance read it, there is 5 mins left of class. I'll come back here and get you when the bell rings. Lance nods and keeps his head down at the board. Keith makes his way back to his seat, and the feeling of accomplishment comes over him. He's usually very put down by his foster family about being lazy and never being able to do anything right or at all, so he felt quite good about himself.
  "We will start with pen tomorrow. Have a good rest of your day," Ms. Grooms says, and Keith packs his things as people are standing to leave. The bell rings and he makes his way back to Lance, waiting on him to finish packing up. As soon as the tan boy is done packing up, Keith waves him along. They both walk out the door and Lance is only two steps behind Keith as they make there way back towards the west hallway.
  They approach the teacher known as Mr. Louis. Keith gets Lance situated at his seat towards the front, and is squatted down in front of Lance's table writing on his board. Lance flips it for Keith to see, Thank you again. Your name is Keith right? Proper introductions are important. I'm Lance McClain and I suffer from being legally deaf. It's nice to meet you. Keith finishes his reading and notices Lances hand being stretched out to him. Keith is take aback by the sudden move and hesitantly takes the boys hand. Keith has a medium grip on his hand, but Lance has a nice firm one, seeming like he was raised to do so. Keith takes back his hand and steals the board and marker again, Nice to meet you Lance, I'm Keith Kogane, and I currently suffer from nothing but the side effects of my emo days in middle school. Lance seems to be enjoying the small conversation, and Keith is caught off guard by a small thing he didn't think he'd hear. Lance let's out a laugh. Yes, it's a quiet one, but it was loud enough for Keith to hear. Lance can tell he looks shocked and automatically shoves his hand over his mouth, taking by his marker and erasing the board. I was not originally born deaf, so I can remember the feeling of certain things? I am sorry if that does not make any sense. Keith is shocked, but hears the last bell ring, indicating for him to leave. He quickly writes back to the deaf boy and stands up when he's done and grabs his things, leaving before the boy can read it. Keith will never admit this to anyone without a reason, but this deaf boy with the most excited look on his face and small indications of his hope to live a normal life makes him nervous. Not in a bad way, but a curious way.
  Lance reads the note, I think I may know what you mean. Here, text me about it later and explain it better. 262-1138 Lance has an automatic moment of yes! wash over him and he pulls out his phone to take a picture of the note before erasing and getting his things together for his the class he is.



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