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"You should come eat lunch with me today, I think it'd be good to catch up," Bryant says. Lance started feeling uncomfortable as Keith and Valley put themselves around Bryant. He couldn't talk and couldn't hear, so that didn't make it any better. Usually Lance sucks with Valley because he seems to be able to relate with her most, and he would try and stick with Keith if that was an option, but at the moment, it's not. Lance just follows quietly behind and doesn't even notice Keith glancing back at him a few times.
"Hey, Bryant, I'll meet you in the cafeteria in a few. I've gotta go grab something for Lance. We'll be right there," Keith says and slows his steps to walk next to Lance. Bryant nod and the small Korean boy just watches as the couple walks off in front of him.
He turns to Lance, "Walk with me?" Lance nods, and Keith is making his way for the South hallway. Lance is feeling uncomfortable, he wouldn't say with the silence, but the fact there is a lack of communication and almost no one in the hallway to blend in with.
Keith taps his shoulder, "Want to meet some of my friends before we go and eat?" Lance slowly nods and has his head down. He doesn't really know what came over him. He suddenly just feels distant and almost left out. People talk and communicate normally on a regular basic. Lance doesn't get to. Not yet. And it sucks. He wants to be able to talk again and be able to sing and listen to music and hear his mothers and fathers and siblings and aunts and relatives voices again. He would never admit this to any of his friends, but he even wants to hear there voices. Lance has been deaf since seventh grade from a stupid situation with some of his old friends in middle school. Everyone he's met from then until now, he's never been able to hear. The most he really can hear is loud alarms. And they sound like really far away or muffled air horns. He can hear a fire alarm, depending on how faraway or close it is. He really misses the sounds and wants to get rid of silence. But Keith pulls him out of his thoughts. They stop right before the doors to the stairs. Keith turns Lance towards him. Keith has had enough.
"What is wrong?" Lance could hardly read his lips besides "wrong," but has an idea of what he's said. Lance shrugs, not wanting to talk about it. Keith's pulls out his phone knowing Lance won't listen to him otherwise. And he finally texts, You will tell me what's wrong wether you want to or not. He looks over at Lance after he sends it. Lances eyebrows frown and he types back, I don't have to tell you anything. It's stupid anyway, so there's no reason. Keith finally gets almost mad with the boy and grabs his arm, pulling him to a bench beside the stairs doors. A war basically goes back and forth on the twos phones and Lance then finally stops answering. Keith grabs Lances face with his hands and has a frown plastered across his face as he tries to get Lance to actually look at him. Keith never thought he'd actually get the chance to touch Lances face, as stupid and girly as that sounds to him, but it almost is making his hands tingle.
Lance is already ticked off. Keith doesn't need to pry at the moment. Lance hasn't told anyone anything about him yet, besides the fact he's deaf. And he doesn't like spouting around something stupid he did in seventh grade to end up like this. He hasn't known Keith long enough to know if he'll go around saying things, spreading rumors. Lance hates to admit that about someone. He doesn't know him well enough yet to really trust him.
Keith finally let's go and grabs his phone. He types a few things into his phone and faces it towards Lance, Is it about Bryant? Did u feel left out? I'm rlly sorry. It has just been years since I talked to him last. That's when Lance could tell there was pity behind what Keith showed him. He takes Keith's phone and types in it himself, I don't want pity, Keith. It's not that I felt left out, it's that I realized some things. That's all. I can't hear, so I can't really join in anyway. Lance handed his phone back and watches Keith's expression. Then he types back, Why did u move here Lance? Why did ur family decide to move ur senior year? Lance didn't want this conversation. Lance really didn't. He was living in a small apartment with his family and only moved in for one reason, and one reason only. To have surgery. One he didn't even know if he wanted because he caused his family so much pain and suffering up until now. At least that's how he felt. He never asked his family about any of this; about how they felt. He just felt like a burden at this point.
He takes Keith's phone, To hear again.


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