New Fan Fiction!

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I've finally released it! Stray is a Noragami and Voltron fan fiction.

I've finally released it! Stray is a Noragami and Voltron fan fiction

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Lance is a god of calamity, one that isn't well known. He's lost countless regalia to the fact that he's not a "real" god and doesn't even have a shrine. But all that changes when he meets a school boy that got his soul knocked out of his body when trying to save the god from getting hit by a bus.

I will say that this may contain small spoilers for the Noragami manga/anime if you have not read or watched, but if you haven't watched it, you won't be confused when reading this.
About the spoilers... I've read ahead in the manga. I'm not really sure if it will spoil much, but I am putting VLD characters as either gods or regalia, so it just depends as time goes. It won't be a spoiler as long as you don't think about it!

Either way, hope you all enjoy. I'm excited for this. : ))

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