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I'm sorry about today. Will u forgive me? Lance didn't know why Keith only sent this. Why would he apologize when Lance should have told him anyways. He still needs to tell him a few other things, but he's hesitant on doing it.
  Lance knows he's taking this too fast, Would you like to come over? He already knew the answer, but he'd like to take a shot at it anyway.
  I'll ask my parents. That's all Lance got back, and it's all he was really expecting. He didn't want Keith to apologize. He wanted to apologize himself.
What's your address? Lance was taken aback by the text.
The last house at the end of Oak Grove Road. Lance was surprised and not actually expecting this. He guessed at this point he just wanted Keith's company and he knew Keith deserved to know what is going to happen.
  On my way. Then around thirty minutes pass and a little light flashes by Lance's door. A little red light was hooked up in his room so he knew when someone comes up to the front or back door. Then his little (not really that little) female cousin busts in. She signs to him about someone being at the door. And he perks up, ready to see Keith.
  He walks out and greets his cousins and big brother. He signs to his older brother about inviting a friend over, and his brother signs back that he's taking the little ones out for dinner. Lance then continues to the door pretty exited despite knowing what he's going to do. He then opens the front door and greets the emo looking boy. He has a red AJR, The Click, tee-shirt on and black Adidas sweat pants with the three white lines down the sides along with Under Armor sandals. He looked tired and almost stressed. Lance waves him in. Keith slowly follows behind Lance in a state of awe at how small the house is. Keith sees an older male, he doesn't seem like a dad, but looks like a talker, buffer, hairier version of Lance. There are also two, what look like, teenage kids standing by the man, bundled up in pretty normal attire for walking around town at this time of year. Keith then slowly follows Lance back to the back of the house, where Keith assumes Lance's room is.
  They finally walk into a room. It has three beds. One is a twin sized one by itself, and the other is bunk beds set up with a queen on the bottom and a twin on the top. There are also three desks set up. One is setup at the end of the bunk beds, and another is set up at the head of the bunk beds. The last is set up beside the singular twin. The room is a bit small for three people, almost too small, but they seem to make it work. Lance waves Keith over to the desk and the foot of the bunk beds and points to the chair by the head of the beds. Keith takes that as a signal to pull it over, and he does. He sits next to Lance and tries to get comfortable, despite it being a bit cold in the house. Lance taps Keith's shoulder and tries to get him to look at a laptop screen. Lance pulls up Microsoft Word and starts to type, How was your evening? Sorry for having you over at this time. Lance then scoots the laptop closer to Keith and Keith pecks at the keys, It's fine. I wanted to talk anyway. Keith then scoots it back. The conversation continues for a little while how the rest of there day went and a little about their family.
Then Keith finally breaks into what he was thinking about on his way over, How long are you staying? Lance wasn't expecting him to ask, but was expecting to tell him about it himself, but he's still knew how he was going to tell him, so he goes for it, Until spring break. My family is planning to move back to Florida afterwards so we can get out of my aunts and uncles hair. Lance knew he had to tell him, but didn't want to. Then Keith grabs the laptop, Guess we've gotta make the best of it then. Lance is happy with this. Keith keeps typing, When are you having it done? Lance was a little confused, and Keith could tell. The surgery, I mean. Then Lance's face drops a little as he takes the laptop back, The middle of November, so about two months. Keith could tell he was already mentally stressing out about it. Then Keith takes the laptop back once more, I bet you'll be happy to hear your families voices again. This made Lance give a small smile.
  That's true.

Keith went home after about another hour and a half, which made him get home around eight since it was a thirty minute drive. Lance stayed in his room the rest of the night watching some anime on his laptop with the subtitles on. The two boys were satisfied with their conversation and getting everything sorted out, but what they didn't know that they did to each other, was stress. Keith is now stressed on how he's going to make the most of this time he has with Lance, and Lance has got the surgery to worry about and the time period between then and moving back to Florida.
  Little do they know they have more in store than what they're expecting. Both good and bad, but it's for them to figure out on their own.

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