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"Hey, boys, wake up! Mom said she wanted to go to church since Ellen's in town," Lance hears a girl say. He assumes it's Keith's younger sister, and rolls himself away from Keith, only to roll over on Keith's hand.
  "Shit," Lance mumbles.
  "Hey, Lance, do you and Luis want to leave? I don't want to keep you guys since you may not go to church like us," Ashton says.
  Lance turns to look at Ashton, which is pushing Luis off his torso.
  "No, we can go," Lance says as he looks back down at Keith. He pulls Keith's arm out from under him and sits up. Lance watches as Keith's shoulders rise and fall as he breaths.
  "You need some clothes, I'll take it?" Ashton asks as Lance stands up.
"Yeah, if you don't mind. How do you guys dress?" Lance asks as he stretches, his back popping.
"Just a button up shirt and khakis or dress pants. If you're a tie person, then I would ask my mom if you can use one of my dad's ties," Ashton says as he opens the closet doors. Lance nods and looks back at Keith.
"You two are cute," Ashton chuckles as he pulls out three white tee shirts.
"What're you trying to get at?" Lance says, smiling a little.
"I wish I could have that," Ashton says as he looks at Luis, then back at the closet.
"You never knows," Lance says, turning to look at Luis as well. Ashton sighs and pulls out a light blue shirt.
"Does this work? You should be able to fit into most of my clothes," Ashton says and hands Lance the shirts.
"Yeah," Lance says as he holds it out to look at it.
"Dress or khaki?" Ashton asks.
"Khaki," Lance says as he starts to pull off his shirt to slip on the white undershirt. Ashton pulls out a navy blue shirt and a pair of kaki pants and sets them on his desk.
"I'll go take a shower, I guess," Ashton says as he reaches into a bottom drawer of his desk.
"Alright. I'll wake these two up in a minute," Lance says as Ashton walks out of the room with his clothes. Lance slips on the khaki pants. He tucks in the white shirt, and notices that the pants are a little big. He opens the closet and sees the cupboard that the television sits on and opens it to see some belts at the top and some dress shoes at the bottom. Lance grabs a belt and puts it through the belt loops, tightening the pants around his hips. He walks over to Keith and shakes him awake.
"Hey, your mom wants to go to church, might need to get up," Lance says as Keith rolls over to look at him.
"What? Really?" Keith whines.
"Yeah. I guess it's because Ellen's in town," Lance says. Keith sits up and rubs his face. He throws the blanket off his legs and stands up. He twists his body and walks towards the closet. Lance slips on the light blue button up and unbuckles his belt to tuck it in.
"What color? Purple or red?" Keith asks as he pulls out two shirts to look at.
"Red," Lance says and buckles his pants again.
"You didn't tuck this properly," Keith says as he grabs Lance's waist to warn him he's fixing his shirt. He shifts it and Lance turns to look at him.
"Thanks," Lance says as he cups the side of Keith's face then lands a small kiss on his cheek. Keith nods and grabs one of the shirts Ashton laid out. Keith slips off his sweatshirt and tee shirt and slips on the plain white tee.
"I'm going to brush my teeth and wash my face. Mind if I use your face wash?" Lance asks.
"Ashton's is better, and if you want the best, you could ask Ray," Keith says as he slips on his khaki pants.
"Should I really ask Ray?" Lance chuckles.
"I bet she won't be too mean," Keith shrugs. Lance chuckles and throws a pillow at Luis before walking out.
"Luis, do you mind going to church with us?" Keith asks as he tucks in his white shirt.
"Uh, sure," Luis says as he leans himself up.
"You can choose from mine or Ashton's clothes. The pants might be big, so the belts are in the cupboard.
"Alright, I think I'll wear mine from yesterday," Luis says. He grabs his khaki pants from the day prior and shakes them out from their fold. Keith puts on his red shirt and tucks it in before rolling up his sleeves. He grabs his belt off his desk and puts it through the belt loops.
"I'm going to wash my hair once the other two are out," Keith says and walks out. He looks at Lance standing in the doorway of the bathroom talking to Ashton.
"I'm going to wash my hair in your moms bathroom," Keith says and walks past the two, knowing they won't be fast.
"Alright, we leave in twenty minutes," Ashton says.

"We stand in awe of you!" Lance sings. Keith mumbles the words as they stand in the pew behind Ray, Ellen, and Christen. Keith was never fond of singing. He never felt like he was good at singing, even though Christen had always praised his voice.
The song ends, and Keith sits down as everyone else does. Lance pokes his leg, looks around, then offers his hand. Keith sighs and flips Lance's hand over, connecting their pinkies. Lance smiles and listens as a boy from the front walks up to lead another song. Keith taps Lance's shoulder, trying to gain his attention.
"Bathroom?" Keith whispers, a smile evident in his voice. Lance chuckles and nods. Keith stands up, crouching, and makes his way out of the pew and down the isle, Lance following. He looks at Ashton, and he leans forward in the pew and whispers to his mom.
"What did you want?" Lance asks quietly as Keith fully grabs his hand, keeping it close to his back. Keith doesn't say anything and walks into the bathroom. As the door shuts, he leads Lance to the back stall and locks it.
"I don't know, just wanted to get out of their," Keith shrugs and brings his arms up to Lance's neck and leans forward to kiss him. Lance chuckles as Keith's arms relax. Lance places one hand on Keith cheek and the other on his waist. They pull apart for a moment, then Lance pulls Keith's face back to his. He can feel the heat of Keith's face on his hand, and smiles.
"You're so cute," he chuckles as they pull away.
"You're funny," Keith says as he pulls his arms away from around Lance's neck. He takes them under Lance's arms and wraps them around Lance's back, hugging him. He rests his chin on Lance's shoulder and sighs.
"I can't wait until I'm out of the system," Keith says.
"Do you mean foster care?" Lance asks.
"Yeah," Keith says and pulls his head back to look at Lance.
"It's an endless cycle until you graduate, basically. Or until you're adopted," Keith says.
"Well, once we graduate, how about you come and live with me for a while down in Florida? Then we can figure it out from there, and whatever happens, happens," Lance says.
"Yeah, that sounds great," Keith says and pulls away from Lance's grip.
"I honestly really want to go to college, you know? But I don't want to stay here in Tennessee to do it," Keith says as he starts to pace around the stall.
"Then don't," Lance says, "What about doing your two free years here, get a small degree, or apply for some scholarships. Maybe SCAD will take you."
"SCAD is a dream I can only hope to come true," Keith chuckles, a sarcastic smirk on his face.
"Why?" Lance asks as Keith sits down on the toilet seat.
He rests his elbows on his knees and sighs, "Christen and Chad want me to go to Lipscomb, or Harding or Oklahoma if I go out of state. Neither have the program I really want. I want to go for graphic design or fine arts."
"Hmm, well, I guess whatever happens, happens," Lance starts, "College is college, and if you can get it paid for, then good."
"What are your plans?" Keith asks.
"I'm going to probably move out to my brothers farm in western Kentucky. It's simple, just how I like it," Lance says.
"That sounds great, honestly," Keith says, and smiles at the boy.
"Yeah," Lance says, a smile spread across his face. The bathroom door creaks open, and Keith automatically stands up and jumps onto the toilet. He waves Lance to stand in front of him, and he does so. As Lance stands there, the two stay there awkwardly, Keith signing sorry on his chest. Lance smiles and shakes his head, putting his hands in his pockets. As the man walks out of the bathroom, Keith sighs, letting his head hang.
"We should go, shouldn't we?" Lance says. Keith nods and hops down.
"You know, this scandalous stuff is kind of fun," Lance chuckles as they walk out of the stall.
"It will get tiring," Keith sighs.
"Oh, so you've done this before?" Lance chuckles.
"Oh my God, you should know this," Keith smiles and he crosses his arms.
"Nice work Samurai," Lance says, kissing Keith's cheek before they walk out.


(A/N: Guys, I have one chapter left, and an epilogue. I hope you enjoyed this, and if you want more after I finish on here, go follow the Fireworks comic on Instagram! (@/fireworks.klcomic)
Hope you guys enjoyed!
(P.S. sorry about the typos, if you seen them before hand!)

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