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"What the fuck, Lance!" Pidge screams, even though Lance can't hear her. Pidge is one of Lance's friends from back home in Florida. Pidge and a boy named Hunk came up to visit Lance before his surgery. Pidge is a tech wizard, basically. She could do anything and everything with a computer. Hunk, on the other hand, had the tastebuds of a chief. He could cook and bake like a beast. He was also going to go to college for engineering, which is how he ended up being friends with Pidge.
"Language!" a lady yells from behind the counter.
  "Sorry!" Pidge yells back.
  "Hey, Keith, how'd you meet Lance?" Hunk asks as him and Keith hover over Pidge playing Pac Man, Lance two machines over.
  "We share an art class," Keith says, "Our art teacher told me to try and make friends with him, so I did. Didn't realize we would end up here." Keith chuckles with a small smile.
  "I didn't know how much luck he was going to have here. They didn't have any special classes for him, and his family couldn't find him a cheap translator to take him from class to class," Pidge says.
  "Well, it will be no use to have him in a special class if he's just going to get his hearing fixed," Hunk says, trying to sound as chill about it as possible. The truth is, he's scared. He's scared they wont be able to fix his hearing. It's already a risky surgery as is, and he knows it. So does Lance's entire family, and Pidge, and even Keith.
"So when are you two going to star gaze?" Pidge asks. Keith could feel his face fade to crimson.
  "Thursday or Friday, I think," Keith mutters, and he can tell he sounds embarrassed.
  "No way," Pidge says, turning towards Keith.
  "What?" He asks as he watches Pac Man eat a ghost.
  "Ooh, you're a fun one, I can tell. So, how long?" Pidge asks.
  "Pidge, quit harassing him," Hunk says, trying to make Pidge mess up at this point.
  "How long, what?" Keith asks. He could tell he sounded gay as fuck right now, and Pidge has picked up on it.
  "Your gayness," Pidge says.
  "Eighth grade," Keith says, coming out to a person he's only know for not even three hours.
  "Have you came out to Lance?" Pidge asks.
  "Seriously! Stop harassing him!" Hunk says, and finally messed up Pidge, killing Pac Man.
  "No, she's fine," Keith starts. "No, I haven't yet. I don't really see a need to unless someone asks. He hasn't asked." Keith feels flustered and nervous.
"That's fair," Pidge says. Keith doesn't really like coming out to people. Only a few of his friends actually know about him, and his foster brother. The rest of his family and friends don't know, since they haven't asked. Keith would also prefer not to tell his family, since they seem Christian, and Ashton has stayed closeted with being an omnisexual for years, from those people.
"Hey, get Lance and we can head to get some ice cream before we head back to our hotel." Pidge bends down to grab her bag, then looks up at Keith. Keith is already looking around to see where Lance even is, and spots Hunk hanging over a machine, which signals that Lance is playing that game.
  "Hey, Hunk, grab him and we'll go and get ice cream," Keith says, and watches as Lance starts to pout about loosing the game he was just in. Hunk taps his shoulder and signs to Lance. Lance nods and follows Hunk over towards Pidge and Keith. Lance stops by Keith, and Hunk and Pidge keep walking, so Keith starts behind them.

"Okay, but what about you?" Hunk asks. Lance is looking down at his phone, a translator pulled up to show what everyone is saying.
  "What about me?" Keith asks.
  "Have you lived anywhere but here?" Hunk says, then takes another bite out of his cone.
  "Well, yeah," Keith starts, "I've lived just about anywhere. When I was younger, when I lived with my dad, we moved a bit. Then I was moved to Japan. My cousin took me in for a year, then I had to move back to the states and moved in and out of orphanages."
  "Wait, why?" Pidge asks. Hunk elbows her, but she ignores him.
  "Well, my dad got in an accident, went missing for a while. I'm not legally allowed to live with him now that he just got up and left when I was younger," Keith explains. Keith wasn't fazed about talking about his father like this anymore. Every family he's lived with, he had to explain his situation out of their curiosity.
  "Oh," is all Pidges says as the guilt sets in.
  "Don't even start to feel sorry. I had to explain my situation to every family I stayed with just out of their curiosity," Keith says.
  "I'm just shocked," Pidge says. Keith looks over at Lance, and he looks uncomfortable and sick. Keith takes note of this and nudges him. Lance flips his phone up for Keith to see. It has translated all of what he's said. Keith is taken aback.
Lance taps Hunk, and starts to move his arms and hands.
"You're not moving again, right?" Hunk asks as he watches Lance.
"No," Keith says, sternly and confidently. He looks over at Lance, and Lance has his jaw clenched. He nods and looks back down at his phone, then back to Hunk.
"Pidge, make a feature to where Lance can type and it speaks," Hunk says, not really sure f he translated correctly.
"I was thinking about that. I'll work on that soon," Pidge says. They all know it's not long until his surgery, but they know he wants to be able to freely communicate until then.
The night has gotten dark and they have taken this as a signal to head back to their designated homes.
"Ready to go home, Lance?" Keith asks. He's watching as Lance types on his phone and then holds it up to Keith's face. Keith reads it to himself in a mumble, "Thursday, stargazing?" Keith thinks for a second to make sure, the nods. He can feel bubbles bursting in his stomach. Most people call them butterflies, but Keith always has a blend of worry in there with his happiness.
Lance stands up from his seat, shoving his phone in his pocket, and waits for Keith to stand.
"It was really nice to meet you two. I'll probably see you two next month around this time?" Keith asks.
"Yes, we'll be up the night before and leave the day after," Pidge says, making it evident that she's tired and going to be a woman of little words until she gets back to their hotel.
"Alright. I'll keep in touch," Keith says as he places a hand on Lances shoulder to lead him towards the old Jeep Cherokee.
Once both of the boys are in the car, Lance pulls out his phone and pulls up the app he was using earlier. Pidge has made an app for Lance to be able to communicate better with people, but hasn't fully finished updating it yet.
"What do you want to listen to?" Keith asks, watching his words pop up on the phone screen, then looks at Lance. He watches as Lance slowly spells out a name with his fingers.
"Brittany Spears?" Keith asks. Lance nods. Keith laughs, and the phone picks it up as garbage, which makes Lance let out an noise unfamiliar to Keith. It's a hum like sound that hitches a few times before stopping, almost like a chuckle without opening your mouth.
Keith does as told and plugs his phone in, playing a Brittany Spears song and looking at Lance for approval. After skipping through a few songs, they land on Lance's favorite, and tells Keith to keep it on.
After about a thirty minute drive, Keith is pulling into Lance's driveway. Lance is half awake in the passengers seat and struggling to stay awake.
Keith stops the car and unlocks the doors. Keith opens his door, and the lights turn on, making Lance cover his eyes with his hand. Keith makes his way around to the passengers side to open the door. Lance unbuckles himself and leans on the door has he pushes his body out. Keith grabs ahold of Lance's arm and helps him steady himself before trying to walk up to the house. The lights flicker on before the two even step on the porch. A woman opens the door and leans against the frame. Keith continues to the door with Lance.
"Hello, boys," the woman says.
"Hello, Ma'am," Keith says, taking a guess that this is his mother.
"Mind walking Lance to his room? I need to talk with his sister when she pulls up," the lady says.
"Oh, yes," Keith says. As he gets close enough, he can tell it's one of his family members. She moves out of the way for the two boys to walk in. Lance walks in front of Keith, and Keith walks him down the hallway to his bed room. Keith was planning to stop at the door, but Lance waves for him to follow him into the room.
  Lance points for Keith to reach into his closet, but Keith doesn't know what to reach for until Lance pints to his sweater he has on. Keith then get the signal for him to grab another sweatshirt, but he doesn't know from where, until he finds a drawer labeled, sleep wear. Keith then opens the drawer to find a few tee shirts and two crewneck sweaters. He pulls out the old maroon looking one, then turns to give it to Lance. Lance has placed himself on his bed messing with cables to plug in his phone and unplug his computer. Keith sets the piece of clothing next to Lance, then sits at Lance's desk. Keith lays his head down and watches Lance finish up his little adventure through the cords. He soon sets the cord next to his bed, then stands up. He takes off his shoes then strips his legs of his pants. Keith can feel his face redden and buries his face further into his arm, but doesn't turn his eyes away. Lance slips off his sweater and puts on the new one Keith had pulled out for him. Lance was now in his boxer briefs and the crewneck sweater Keith had given to him and his hair was standing up from taking on and off clothes. The clothes from this evening were sitting messy on the floor, and Lance had already planted himself on the bed. Keith was still sitting at Lance's desk. Lance looks over at Keith with tired eyes. He offers his hand out to Keith. Keith was confused and didn't know how to respond, so he just lays the back of his hand in Lance's palm. Lance then flips in his side and takes Keith's palm. He takes his finger, and starts to trace onto Keith's palm. First a T, then an H, then an A, and so on. Keith spells it allowed to his self and says the phrase, "Thank you." Keith's nods as Lance looks up at him. Lance then points towards the lights as he lets go of Keith's hand. Keith takes that as a sign to turn off the lights. He stands up and looks down at Lance one last time as he manages to get himself comfortable on top of the sheets. Keith then walks towards the door and reaches for the light switch. He flips the switch and walks out, closing the door behind him.
  Keith makes his way towards the front of the house, and can now hear that the television was turned on.
  "Hey, Keith, is Lance in his room?" Keith hears, and notices it's a male voice. He peaks around the corner of the hallway to see Lance's older brother sitting on a he couch.
  "Oh, yes. Thank you for letting me have him out tonight. I think I wiped him out, a bit," Keith jokes.
  "Oh, it's my pleasure. He needs out," Marco says, and looks up at Keith.
  "I should get home. It's already midnight," Keith says, "Sorry I got him home a bit late."
  "It's alright. I wasn't expecting him to come home any earlier. You get home, and feel free to stop by anytime," Marco says and waves for Keith to leave. Keith nods and walks for the door. He opens it and notices two females are talking at the other end of the porch.
  "Um, thank you, Mrs. McClain for letting me have your son out," Keith says, trying to find an opening to talk.
  "Oh, you're welcome! I'm sorry for my manners," the lady says, and makes her way towards Keith.
  "My name is Carla McClain, I'm Lance's mom. Over there is Veronica, Lance's older sister," Carla says, reaching out her hand.
  "My name is Keith's Kogane, I'm a friend of Lance's from school," Keith says, and takes Carla's hand.
  "You get home, and I hope to see you again," Carla says, letting go of Keith's hand.
  "Yes, thank you again. Goodnight," Keith says as he walks towards his car. He gets in, turns his keys in the ignition, then is on his way home.


(A/N: Hello! Here's an extra long update! I hope you all enjoyed this, because I'm planning to try and make some chapters around 1,500 words now, or maybe even 2,000, if you all would like.
  I'll try and get the ninth chapter out soon!

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