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"Stay here, I'll be back in a minute," Lance says, hopping out of the car. He had Keith's sleep pants on, with a large black tee shirt. Keith watches his tie his shirt in the front than Rick it as he jogs up to the door. He opens the front door, and disappears from Keith's sight.

Lance could hear the music before entering, despite not having his hearing aids in. He juggles the doorknob, and the door pops open. There were kids drunk and passed out on some couches, and other were either making out, or chatting in corners.
"Luis?" Lance says, trying to raise his voice to where he thought it sounded loud. He looks around, trying to spot him, then thinks of something. He pulls out his phone and texts Luis.
Then cups his hands around his mouth, "Cops are here!" And he draws several peoples attention. Then some started shuffling around, trying to find their things.
"Lance! They're down he road, I can hear them, lets go!" Keith says, busting through the door.
"Wait! I can't find Luis!" Lance says, looking for his cousin.
"Lance, go!" someone shouts, gaining Keith's attention. And to their luck, it was Luis. Keith shoves Lance towards the door, and grabs for Luis.
"Let's go!" Keith says, dragging the younger boy out from the crowd. Lance is drug out with everyone else trying to leave, and Keith tries to keep ahold of the freshman's jacket.
"I hope you don't come to another one of these," Keith scolds as he looks at the younger boy. Luis looked uncomfortable and scared.
They squeeze out the door and jog towards Lance's car. Lance is already in, trying to start it.
"Get your asses in," Lance says, his face full of anger. Keith shoved Luis in to the back seat, then jogs around to the passengers seat. As he shuts the door, Lance steps on the gas, lurching his passengers back into their seats. As he takes off, he can see the cops lights flashing in his rear view mirrors, and can't tell wether they will follow him or not.
"Luis, why were you there?" Lance demands. Luis says nothing.
"Luis, answer me," Lance says. He was mad, and Keith didn't like seeing this side of him.
"Luis!" Lance screams, slamming on the breaks, lurching Keith onto the dash.
"Lance, calm down," Keith says.
"No, my cousin could have almost gotten arrested because he didn't tell anyone he was going to a party, you think I'm okay with this?!" Lance screams at Keith, and Keith's face went stern.
"Luis is about to fucking cry! Why don't you ask if he's okay or what happened before screaming at him!" Keith yells. Keith looks back at the boy, and he looks like he's about to get sick.
"Give me a minute," Lance says, putting the old car into park then opening the door and slamming it shut.
Keith looks back at the younger boy.
"What happened?" Keith asks, knowing something was wrong.
"I don't want to talk about it. I just want to go home," Luis says.
"Luis, I know something happened, and we need to know," Keith says, trying to make his voice as soft as possible.
"Can't I just go home?" Luis asks. His face pale and tired.
"Fine. Just know that you'll have to talk to your parents yourself," Keith says, opening the door.
"Fine," Luis sighs, trying to gain the courage to say it. "Some guy invited me to the party, a junior, and so I told my parents I was staying the night with Ace instead of going to a party at his place, and when we got there, the guy who invited me, Jason, he tried to put something in my drink," Luis starts.
"Okay, well, I'm hunting that kid down," Keith sighs, leaving his foot between the door and the frame.
"No, I really don't want any backlash," Luis pleads.
"No, he can't just go around doing that! Did you drink any of it?" Keith asks.
"A little, but I spit the rest out," Luis says, turning away from Keith.
"Let me talk to Lance real quick," Keith says and hops out. Lance was sitting on the curb. He looked tired and zoned out. The street was empty and dark. The only light was from the street lights that weren't burnt out, and the faint sight of the cops red and blue lights in the distance.
"Lance," Keith says, resting a hand on the Cuban boys head. Keith bends down, caressing Lance's face in the process.
"I don't know why I'm so mad," Lance says. He was back to being quiet.
"It's alright. We need to get him home, though. I guess some guy a year younger than us invited him, then tried to mess with his drink. He drank some of it. We need to get him home and we'll figure it out from there," Keith states.
"What?!" Lance says, not really knowing how to take what Keith just said.
"Please don't get worked up again. Let's go before my foster parents get worried.
"Fine," Lance sighs, resting his head in his hands.
"I love you?" Keith says, trying to cheer Lance up.
"I love you, too" Lance replies, raising up from his spot on the curb. Keith stops him before letting him get back in to drive.
"Want me to drive?" Keith asks.
"Sure," Lance says. They both walk to their designated sides and hop in.
"So, what's your address again?" Keith asks as he buckles his seatbelt.
"Just go straight, then take the second left up there," Lance says. He had one hand resting on the door, and the other was propping up his head on the arm rest.
"Luis, I'm sorry for yelling," Lance says.
"It's alright. I understand," Luis says.
"Can you promise not to go to another party without telling anyone?" Lance asks, turning to look at the younger boy.
"I promise," Luis says, and it was genuine. Lance nods, and turns back to face the road as Keith makes a turn.

Lance directed Keith to his house, and as they pull up, lights start to flicker on.
"I'll talk to them," Lance says, "Want to go buy some candy and a movie then come pick me up?"
"Sure," Keith starts as Luis gets out of the car, "Everything will be fine. It's not your fault." Keith tries to grab Lance's attention as he's getting out.
"Lance?" Keith expects a reaction, but doesn't get one.
"Lance." Keith's voice was turning stern.
"Come back in fifteen?" Lance asks. He turns with a half hearted smile before shutting the door. Keith sighs as e watches Lance walk Luis up to the front porch. Keith rests his head on the steering wheel for a moment, then pulls out of the drive way.

Keith drove down the road, and to the closest gas station he could think of. He pulls into Twice Daily and parks the car. He grabs the keys and locks the car after hopping out.
He walks in and is greeted by an employee, "Hello! Welcome to Twice Daily!"


(A/N: Guys I'm about to fail German just to write this. 😂 I meant to do my homework last night, but I wrote this instead. My updates will probably go back to being extremely slow, and not just because of school. I'm working on the next book I plan to release after I finish this one, so I'm sorry!

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