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"I don't know what I'm doing. I knew I was going to regret this!" Keith yells.
"Don't panic so much! It's natural. You'll either get over him or you'll ask him, how ever it turns out, you'll be fine!" Supreethi says from the other end of the phone call.
"But what if I don't want to?" Leith asks, crossing his arms as he paces.
"What?" Supreethi asks, very confused.
"What if I don't want to feel like this. It feels terrible. It sits in the pit of my stomach and I don't like it," Keith says, and he grips his hood that's sitting around his neck.
"I've never even heard his actual voice, he's never heard mine, and I don't know if he'd actually like me if he knew more about me! Not even to mention that you can tell a lot about a person just from the way they talk or what they say," Keith says, stress evident in his voice.
"Keith, just be quiet for a moment and listen to yourself..." Supreethi trails. Keith knew she was right.
"Would you say anything different than you already do? And with how you sound, you sound like a normal human being. Yes, you have a slight accent at time, but that doesn't change a thing." Keith knew that she was one hundred percent right at this point, but there was another thing that she may not understand.
"But a lot of things I've told him, I may have never said to him even if he could hear," Keith says.
"That's true, but that doesn't change who you are, does it?" Supreethi says, and Keith could hear her moving around on her bed.
"No." He knew he had to suck it up at this point and just get over himself. Keith always over thinks things that don't even need that much thought even for normal people.
  "Are you going to leave and meet him now? Go and have fun, okay?" Supreethi says, and Keith could hear the worry in her voice.
  "I will." I start to grab my things and turn her off speaker, putting her to my ear.
"I'll text you afterwards," I say, and grab my keys to my old Jeep Cherokee.
"Okay. You do that. Have fun," Supreethi says, and she hangs up. Keith felt nervous. He could feel that ripping feeling in his stomach and just didn't want to go just so he couldn't feel this way anymore.

"Hello, I'm here to pick up Lance," I say. Lance's older brother is standing in the door way.
  "Oh, okay. Come on in. He's still tying to choose a pair of shoes. He's not very good at that," he chuckles. He has a deep hum to his voice. It's soft and rough at the same time, and could probably go between being sweet and sounding like Hell in the matter of moments.
  "¡Hermanito! Go get Lance!" he yells. He sighs and walks to the television. It's on, but seems to be muted.
  "So I haven't full introduced myself yet," Lance's brother says. "I'm Marco, Lance's older brother. I watch over the house most of the time since Mom works two jobs." He sticks out a hand and I reach out my own to take it.
  "I'm Keith, Lance's classmate," I say, not really knowing what to add to it. He releases my hand and smirks.
  "That's not a lot to know, but I guess it's all I really need to," Marco says. I feel slightly embarrassed, so my neck heats up a bit.
  "Lance is changing his entire outfit!" I hear a little boy yell.
  "What?! Are you being serious?" Marco sighs. "I'll be back in a second. He's weird about this stuff." He makes his way down the hallway that had a few doors separated along the sides. Weird about these things, Keith thought, what things?

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