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A few more months passed by, and spring break was about to come around. Both Keith's family and Lance's shared the New Year together, and they both even had a little party for after Christmas to exchange gifts. The other small holidays passed, and it was only a week until spring break.
"Want to go with me and Ash to the barber?" Keith asks as he stares at Lance for a moment then looks down at his paper.
"Sure, but why?" Lance asks.
"Ashton wanted to get a cut done," Keith says as he sketches out different areas of light and dark on his paper.
"That will be interesting," Lance says.
"Sure will," Keith chuckles. He looks back and forth between Lance's face and the paper.
"So, you're leaving next week, right?" Keith asks.
"Uh, yeah," Lance says, and his shoulders slump.
"Hey, don't look so down," Keith says and adverts his eyes from his paper.
"I know," Lance sighs and makes eye contact with the boy on the other side of the table. Keith stares back, then sighs in return.
"Where's one place you've always wanted to go?" Keith asks.
"That's a good question," Lance starts. "I guess I'd like to visit New York, that's one place I've craved to go."
"Out of anywhere in the world, New York?" Keith chuckles, glancing up at the Cuban boy with a sarcastic smirk.
"Oh, out of the U.S.? I've never really thought of that," Lance says and starts to rub his hands together, something he started doing when he had to really think about something.
"I want to visit Korea. My mom was supposedly from there," Keith says.
"That would be pretty neat. I think I'd like to visit France or Italy," Lance chuckles, a smile spreading on his face.
  "Why those places?" Keith asks.
  "I learned French. I mean, I'm not a hundred percent on how to say all of it, but I can read it fluently," Lance says, "And I don't really know why with Italy. I guess it's intriguing to me."
  "That's neat. I took Spanish one in middle school, and my credits didn't transfer from Georgia to here, so I had to take it again, and I had a bad teacher, so I sucked at it," Keith chuckles, rambling a little.
  "Oh my God, it's not that hard," Lance smirks as he leans forward.
  "I forgot, you can speak Spanish," Keith chuckles and raises his eyebrows sarcastically as he continues to sketch out Lance's face.
  "Sí," Lance teases.
  "You're an ass," Keith laughs, resting his cheek on his arm, slouching.
  "I know," Lance says as he leans back in his seat, "but I'm a pretty good looking one."
  "Not wrong, Sharpshooter."

"Then she made me get up and cuss in front of the class," Ashton groans to Luis.
  "How can she make you do that?" Luis asks. Keith looks in his rearview mirror to look at the younger boys.
  "So, Samurai, what would you think if I grew myself a mullet?" Lance asks as he messes with Keith's hand in his as the Korean drives.
  "Hell no," Keith says, straight faced and all, clenching Lance's hand.
  "Why?!" Lance laughs, clasping both hands around Keith's right one and look at him.
  "Me having one is enough, isn't it?" Keith asks, sending a quick glance to the Cuban.
  "I don't know. What if you cut your hair?" Lance asks as he takes his left hand away from Keith's and pushes a piece of Keith's hair behind his ear.
  "I'm not totally against it. I guess I'm just used to longer hair," Keith says, a shrug following.
  "I think you'd look fine however you decide to do you're hair," Lance says and sits back in his seat.
  "I'll remember that," Keith chuckles. He turns the wheel with one hand into a Kroger parking lot, then merges to the Great Clips one. He parks the car and shuts it off.
  "Let's go in," Keith says as he lets go of Lance's hand to hop out. He grabs the keys and his wallet, along with his phone and shuts the door. Ashton and Luis hop out, and Lance walks around the car to meet his boyfriend and the other boys.
  "Are you excited?" Lance asks Ashton as he grabs Keith's waist and walks towards the entrance.
  "I guess," Ashton shrugs. "Maybe a little more scared."
  "Why?" Luis asks as he pushes his hands into his coat pockets.
  "What if I end up looking like a doofus and look like I have a grown out buzzcut?" Ashton asks as he walks past Lance to open the door. Luis shrugs as he walks in, and the couple follows.
  "Hi! Welcome to Great Clips. What can I do for you?" a tan girl with short dark brown hair asks. Her large rectangular earrings sway as she turns to look at the boys.
  "A hair cut and highlights," Ashton says and leans on the counter.
  "Alright! Are you a member with us?" the girl asks.
  "Uh, yeah," Ashton says and pulls out his phone to read off his dad's phone number.
  "Chad?" she asks.
  "No, Ash," Ashton says.
  "Alright! Follow me," the girl says and leads Ashton to a chair.
  "Are you excited, Luis?" Lance teases.
  "A little, but I'm so used to his long hair," Luis answers seriously.
  "Have you seen him with short hair before?" Keith asks.
  "No, I thought he always had long hair," Luis says, and glances at Keith as he sits down.
  "No," Keith laughs, "He cut his hair his freshman year. It was an under cut, I guess? But was longer in the front. He looked like a Kpop star."
  "Wh-what? Really?" Luis stutters. Lance starts to laugh and hides his face in Keith's hair.
  "What?" Luis asks as he glares at his cousin.
  "You're just cute," Lance laughs as he brings his head up to look at Luis.
  "Stop," Luis pouts and slouches in his seat.
  "Hey, Luis, want to help me?" Luis hears Ashton ask from his chair.
  "Uh, sure," Luis says and perks up, a dust of red enveloping his ears. Keith chuckles and watches Luis walk towards Ashton. They start to talk and Luis motions a few things. Ashton isn't looking at him, but looking at his lap smiling, almost in a sad fashion.
  "So, is Luis, by any chance, like us?" Keith asks and looks at the boy next to him.
  "Like us?" Lance pauses, "You mean queer?" Keith nods.
  "I think so. I mean, the way him and Ashton interact, and how he knows about Ashton," Lance shrugs.
  "So, you're not for sure?" Keith asks.
  "No, I'm one-hundred percent sure! He just won't admit it," Lance chuckles and stands up.
  "What do you think about prom in May?" Keith asks, and his face heats up a little. Lance's face flushes a little darker, and he looks away as he puts his hands in his pockets.
  "What about it?" Lance asks as he raises his head to look at Luis.
  "Would you like to come up to go with me? And we could set Ashton and Luis up," Keith chuckles.
  "That sounds great to me," Lance says as he paces in front of Keith. Keith nods and stands up.
  "Want to step outside?" Keith asks as he stands up.
  "Sure," Lance smiles as Keith wraps his arm through Lance's.


(A/N: Now to write the epilogue. : )
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

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