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Several days had passed and Keith had agreed to himself that he'd help Lance around this week. Just this week. Then he'd go back to being distant. He has his reason for doing so. He doesn't know when he'll be moved next. He planned to move out of the house at sixteen, but wasn't ever able to accumulate enough money to do so.
It's approaching the end of second and Keith has made his way back to Lances seat, staying crouched in front of him. Keith is ready for the bell to ring and to get to his next class and then go to lunch. Over the last few days he has noticed that Lance has gained some friends. Maybe the people he expected him to be around if he was able to actually hear, but the trio he met consisted of two girls and a boy. Keith knew only one of the girls. She was in his fifth period at the end of the day. Her name was Valley, her parents were from Venezuela and moved here not long before she was born. They tried to give her an American name, and he was guessing that Valley was the best name they could think of. The other girl was one Keith had seen before, didn't know who she was behind the face she put up, but she's a hot shot of the school is all he knows. The boy, on the other hand, Keith had seen him around, but knew nothing about him, and he never seemed to be popular, so Keith never dug into learning about him. The trio always ate with Lance at lunch and they always passed around notes and things for him to see, but every time Keith had ever seen one of the slips, it was in Spanish, and that was the language Keith did not take. He tested himself out of having to take a language in high school. Thank the Lord he could remember some of the Korean that his dad had taught him, due to taking him to see his mothers family in South Korea.
The bell rings, and Keith waits on the boy in front of him to pack up as he notices everyone leaving. Keith decides to grab his stuff and meet Lance by the door. Lance comes sooner or later and they walk out together. Keith then has an idea pop into his mind. He taps Lances shoulder and he stops and turns, slightly hovering over the shorter half Korean boy. Keith holds his hand out for the board and marker. Lance hands it to him, and stands a step back and he writes on it. Keith hands it back. Can you read lips? Lance looks at the boy and shrugs, erasing the board and writing down something. Somethings. Keith feels a pang in his chest and finally gets the chance to actually talk to him for the first time.
  "Can you understand what I'm saying?"
  The boy scribbles a few words on the board and turns it. Yes, I can. Placing a small smiley face after it. Lance gives Keith a smile. Keith then says something again.
  "This is going to make me look stupid, but it's a lot easier." Lance nods in response. Keith has noticed that when he talks to Lance, that he should probably slow down when taking compared to how he talks to his friends and family, just so Lance can understand him better.
  "Read to go?"

Keith made it to his third period on time, but only to end up hearing is teacher say there is a pep rally for the football game tonight, and he decided he'd skip, hide out in Ms. Grooms room. She's letting whoever wants to skip stay in her room. It ended up being him and another boy with two other girls. One girl was a girl named Cathy Greene. Keith knew her from his fifth period last semester, speech. The other girl was one from his AP art class, but didn't know her name. The boy was actually one of the few boys Keith had every talking to. They were fiends freshman and sophomore year, but drifted apart their junior. He was one of the first boys Keith had ever liked. He never confessed, but almost wished he did. His name with Bryant King. He is 6'2" and muscular due to playing basketball since freshman year. He was a cute boy to Keith, and he really wished they were at least still friends. Keith may be shorter, but he is older by three months.
  "Hey Keith," Bryant says, and slides into the seat next to Keith.
  "Been a while," Keith says with a small smirk, leaning his cheek onto his hand to look at Bryant.
  "It has. How's your senior year been going?"
  "Decent," the small Korean says.
  "Have a boyfriend yet?" Bryant chuckles. He was one of the very few people Keith ever told about him. Keith is gay. He figured it out right before freshman year.
  "No," Keith sighs.
  "Don't be so down. You'll find someone. It's the twenty-first century," Bryant nudges.
  "That's true. You got a girlfriend yet?" Keith asks, not really sure if he really w aged to know or not.
  "Yes, actually. Asked her to prom last year and we've been dating since." Keith could feel a small pang of jealousy in his chest as he heard him say that. He didn't really have feelings for  Bryant anymore, but still thought he was cute.
  "What's her name?" Keith asks.
  "Valley Moises," Bryant says, and Keith automatically knows her. One of the girls Lance hangs out with.
  "Oh, I know her. Not really know know her, but I think I had a class with her, and she hangs around one of the kids in my art class," the smaller boy says, almost coming out as if he was nervous.
  "Oh, that's cool. She's sweet ain't she?" Bryant says, letting a little of his Tennessean show through.
  "From what I can tell," Keith says, trying to smile to seem nice. Then a few foot steps are heard and three bodies walk in. One being Lance, one being his one guy friend, and the last being Valley. Lance looks straight at Keith and smiles with a small wave. Keith waves back, and can feel a smile creep onto his lips.

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