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October arrives with a gust and the leaves have been stripped from most of the trees. It's not even a month until Lance's surgery, and the blue and red duo have tried to ignore that fact until that week approaches.
"Ready for fall break?" Keith's Indian friend, Supreethi asks. Keith was zoned out, but could tell Supreethi said something, so he perks up.
"Hm?" he hums.
"Are you ready for fall break?" she asks again, slightly annoyed.
"I guess. Kinda stressed about it, actually." Keith is that type of person who stresses about doing nothing for a week.
"Why? It's a week of free time?" Supreethi asks, a little surprised.
"I need to find something to do. You know I don't like to do nothing," Keith says and leans back in his seat.
"That's true, but we can go and get our nails done, how does that sound? And we can go and get lunch a few times, go bowling one of those afternoons," Supreethi says, trying to help to relieve some of Keith's stress, but it doesn't help. Keith is more worried about the time period between now and when Lance has his surgery.
"Sounds good," Keith says, honestly just wanting to get his nails done.
"Good. So, how about Tuesday?"

Keith slides a sheet of paper over to Lance. The end of the day had came upon the two, and Keith offered Lance a ride home on Fridays, so they're waiting for the traffic to clear out before leaving. Lance takes the sheet of paper slid to him and reads it, would you like to hang next week? We can do whatever you please . Keith is looking straight ahead at the doors, trying to keep his eyes off Lance. Lance taps him and Keith turns. Lance puts his hand out like he wants something, and Keith realizes he wants a pencil. He fishes through his backpack pockets and finds once. He hands it off to Lance and Lance starts to write on the paper. He slides it back to Keith.
How about star gazing? Lance seems pleased with Keith's reaction. Keith reads the writing and has a small smile. He looks up to Lance and nods. Keith then looks at his watch and stands up, waving Lance to get up. It's four now and the traffic has seemed to clear up enough for them to leave. Lance silently walks next to Keith. Lance's long sweater is hanging off his body like a rag, making the bottom swing as he walks. Keith has always liked how things looked over sized on Lance. Keith only wishes he could look that good on a normal basis. Keith could tell Lance was skinny, probably doesn't eat anything with a lot of trans fats, and probably has a high metabolism.
The two boys approach the old white 2001 Jeep Cherokee. Keith presses a button on his keys and the back window pops open. Keith throws his bag in there, and soon to be followed by Lance's bags. They go to the drivers and passengers seats and Keith puts the keys in the ignition, just ready to start blasting his music. Lance, on the other had, is just ready to feel how the bass vibrates the car. Lance can then feel it. Keith has turned on his favorite artist, Lauv. Specifically Like Me Better by Lauv, one of Keith's favorite songs, despite not believing the lyrics, like most songs that talk about love.
  Keith starts to sing and hum to it the lyrics and beat. He pulls out of his parking spot and manages his way through traffic to get to Lances road that is only a minute from the school, but takes ten because of traffic.

"Tomorrow sound good?" Keith asks, making sure Lance can understand him. He nods and smiles. Lance grabs his things off the floor and hops out. He looks at Keith and gives him a mix between a smile and a smirk. Keith can feel his heart in his throat and sends a half smile back as Lance shuts the door. Keith waits until Lance shuts the house door, and slumps over into a heap of his messy hair and sweatshirt. He's already telling himself how much he regrets everything.

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