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"Oh, take however much you want. You're thin, you could use it," Carla jokes.
"Thank you ma'am," Keith chuckles. He takes a small spoonful of corn and walks towards the living room where everyone else was. He scans the crowd of faces, coming across some he recognized, and some he didn't, but he could tell that all of the people were related. He soon spots Lance next to his older sister, Veronica, on the floor.
"Hey, Keith," she says, a smile evident on her face. Lance was taking small amounts of food into his mouth, almost like he was trying to savor the food. Keith places himself next to Lance on the floor, not really expecting a response. Keith slowly starts to eat his food as well, and watches as the rest of the family piles in and Carla walks in with her plate.
"So what does everyone want to watch?" she asks.
"Guardians of the Galaxy?" Veronica asks.
"Does that sound good with everyone? Any other suggestions?" Carla asks. Everyone either shakes their heads or is just too concerned with eating they don't pay much attention.
"So, what time do you guys plan to leave?" Veronica asks. Keith notices she is talking to him, and he swallows his food before talking.
"When ever he wants," Keith says, motioning to Lance. Lance notices Keith glancing at him and Veronica, but doesn't bother to read their lips due to being lazy, and just gives a confused look instead. Then Veronica notices. Her hands go through the air, making a few symbols, and her facial expressions follow. Lance the nods then looks at Keith, holding up a three then a zero with his hands. He repeats this twice to make sure Keith picks up on it.
  "Thirty minutes?" Keith asks, nothing to Lance and Veronica. Both nod, and Lance quickly finishes his food before walking to the kitchen.
  "The front door will be unlocked when you two get home, just lock it when you come in. Also, no curfew, so stay out as long as you want, as long as it's not until dusk," Carla says as she grabs a foldable chair from behind the television. Keith stands up and walks towards the kitchen.
  "Thank you so much for tonight, Misses Carla. The food was great, and we won't be out too late," Keith says before continuing to the kitchen. He walks in to see Lance rinsing his plate and the dishwasher open. Keith walks up next to him, waiting his turn to rinse his plate. Lance soon finishes, putting his plate in the dishwasher, then moves over for Keith to rinse his plate. Keith then quickly rinses his, and places next to Lance's plate in the dishwasher. Lance taps Keith's shoulder, and motions for him to follow. Keith does as Lance infers, and they make their way back to Lance's room, that Keith now knows he shares with his brother and cousin.
Lance walks towards his closet and fishes out a bag. Keith takes a seat at Lance's desk, and starts to move the chair around with his legs. Keith watches as Lance starts to fish out flashlights and a couple of blankets, shoving them into the backpack. He also grabs a spare sweatshirt and a phone charger. Keith's eyes follow as Lance walks across the room to make sure he's got everything. Lance grabs his phone off his bed then heads for the door. Keith stands from the chair and follows Lance. As he walks out, he turns off the light and fishes his key's out of his pocket. They walk down the hallway and to the living room, and Lance walks straight to his mom. He taps her shoulder and motions to the door behind him. Carla nods and Lance walks towards Keith by the front door.
"Be safe boy. Text us if you need anything," Marco says.
"We will," Keith says, opening the door for Lance. The two boys file out and close the door behind them. Keith walks towards his car, and walks to the drivers side. He hops in at about the same time Lance does, and pushes the keys into the ignition. He shuts his door and turns the keys. The olde Jeep Cherokee roars to life and Keith makes a loop in the driveway before he pulls out onto the road. Lance is already scrolling away on his phone and Keith is making their way to the state park.

After about thirty minutes, they have pulled into the state park and have made their way to the big open field that sits at the back of the park. Lance was already on the edge of his seat, phone and bag in hand. Keith pulls up to the edge of the grass and parks. It looks like the grass hasn't been cut in about a week, so its a little tall looking. Before Lance can jump out, Keith taps his shoulder and holds up a can of bug spray. Lance then nods and grabs it from the Korean boy.
Keith hops out and goes straight to the back of his car, popping open the window and grabbing one of the large blankets he grabbed to lay on the ground. He then makes his way out to the middle of the field and tries to neatly lay the blanket down, despite there barely being any light.
Lance makes his way out to where Keith is, flashlight in hand. He shines it on Keith, taking him by surprise. Keith now tries to settle himself on the blanket and pulls out his phone from his pocket. He starts to scroll through his music and comes across some of his favorite relaxing music, Tomppabeats. He automatic presses Trees and sets his phone face down on the blanket. He watches as Lance rummages in his backpack, and soon pulls out one of the blankets. He folds it and sets it behind him. He scoots towards the bottom of the blanket and leans back, resting his head on the blanket. Keith then looks towards the sky, and can't believe his own eyes. The sky looked like a galaxy made up of different shades of blue. Small little diamonds seemed to be shinning back at the two boys. Keith even sees a shooting star, and lets out a small gasp. He had never been star gazing like this, and was automatically amazed by what he was seeing.
"Holy crow," Keith murmurs to himself. Lance was just enjoying the view. He would occasionally glance at the boy next to him, but was loving the sight in general. He wanted to do this at some point with Keith, knowing that he probably hadn't done something like this before. Lance stares into the blue abyss above them. He could only imagine the other worlds and life forms that could be waiting for something to find them. The universe is endless, it is like the ocean. It's beautiful and full of wonder, but could be dangerous. Then Lance started to see what he was waiting for. Several shooting stars turn into a dozen, and Lance watches as Keith's face fills with amazement.
Keith can only imagine what Lance has seen over the years. The song Whenever It Rains, I Feel So Free comes on, and Keith is mesmerized by the mix of sounds from nature and his music. Lance finally taps him, and he looks down at the boy. He points to the right, and Keith's eyes follow, only to be met with the sight of dozens of shooting starts that are almost discolored. They have a yellow hue to them, but it's beautiful.
After another few hours, the time approaches eleven. Lance has made himself comfortable on the ground, a blanket wrapped around his waist and his shoes off. Keith has officially played down, his phone playing music softly next to his head, and he has popped off his shoes as well. The song I Don't Want To Leave is playing, and it mixes perfectly with Keith's emotions at the moment. He can feel a pang in his chest as he looks at the time. The time seems to be going by fast, almost like they're in a time machine.
Another two hours pass, and Keith finally decides it's time to leave. He stands up, expecting Lance to follow, but he doesn't. He nudges Lance's shoulder with his foot, and all he does is roll his head over to look at the boy next to him. A small sigh is heard, then Lance leans up, running a hand through his hair. Lance throws the blanket off his torso and at his backpack. He slowly manages to slip on his sneakers, and ties them. Keith only had to slip on sandals, and is trying to help Lance pack his things, but Lance keeps him from putting the blanket in the backpack. As soon as they finish, they both make their way to the old car. Keith shoves the big blanket and Lance's backpack in the very back, and goes to hop in the drivers seat. As he hops in, Lance is sitting in the passengers seat, a blanket wrapped around him, and his head leaning against the window. Keith nudges him before he can fully doze off, and types something on his phone.
Ice cream? Keith asks, and Lance's face looks more awake all of a sudden, and nods. Keith pulls back onto the main road, and makes his way to the closest ice cream joint, which happens to be Baskin Robins.


(A/N: Hello my beautiful readers. I apologize that this was a crappy chapter, I was expecting it to come out better, but I've hit a slight writers block? I want to write, but I'm just not happy with what its coming out to... I also have as special surprise for the next chapter. *smiles deviously* You would know if you read the spoiler on my, I got tagged, book thing(?).
Until next time...

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