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After the conversation with Lance, Keith was silent for a while, almost confused. Lance ended up going off on his own and didn't talk to Keith for the rest of the day. After school Keith went straight home, not wanting to really be around anyone. He just wanted to go home, do his homework, and go to bed for the weekend. He knew he shouldn't have pried, but he did it anyway. Keith had heard of surgeries that can fix that type of thing, but has never met anyone that has had it done. All Keith knew right now was that Lance was pissed at him. He didn't want to have to deal with an angry Lance next week, if possible. Keith's thoughts are soon interrupted by his foster family calling him out.
"Keith! Food!" This is when a little girl runs and opens the door.
"Hurry up, Lazy," she says before walking out. That's all she's ever called Keith since he moved in here. He gets himself up and walks out. He doesn't despise or like his foster family. There's only one he can tolerate out of the kids, and that's Ashton, his junior foster brother. He can't stand the youngest girl, though. Her name is Ray and she is an eighth grader. The oldest isn't around except on holidays, so he can't make a very fair judgment on her, but she's a freshman in college.
  "Keith, grab your drink and food and we can eat in our room," Ashton says is already making his way towards their room that they share.
  "Mrs. Christen, can I have a glass of water?" Keith asks his foster mother, which he doesn't call mom or just Christen, as he piled some food on a white plastic plate.
  "Here you go," Mrs. Christen says, handing him a tall glass with water in it. Keith grabs silverware and walks back to his room.
  "Thank you for dinner," Keith says before shutting the door. After he does he goes and sits at his desk. Ashton has himself sitting crisscross on his own bed and is watching something on his phone.
  "So what's been bothering you?" Ashton asks and turns off his phone.
  "Nothing. Why?" Keith says, denying that he has something on his mind.
  "You've been quiet and scowling all afternoon," Ashton says, prying.
"Just got in a disagreement with a friend," Keith says.
"You've always been a little hot headed. What about?" Ashton says, still prying.
"Something stupid. Now I just feel bad," Keith pouts, but doesn't even notice he's doing it.
"Stop being all mopey about it. If he or she is a good friend, they'll forgive you." Keith knew he was right. Lance was a good person, he really was from what Keith could tell, and has made a decision based on all of this. He wants to stay Lance's friend right now. He won't grow distant, and will try with all of his power to make this work. Keith isn't trying to sound like some love sick puppy, but he is, and he doesn't even know it yet.
In this moment, Ashton can tell Keith's got a crush. And he knows it's not going to be an easy one to get rid of. Ashton honesty can't even tell if he wants to help Keith get over this boy or not.
"What's this boys name?" he asks, trying to get a bit more out of Keith.
"Lance," Keith says, not even really paying attention to what he's saying.
"McClain?" Ashton asks. He knows the boys younger cousin, Albert Pérez, and is somewhat friends.
"Yeah," Keith says, and he's getting lost in thought at this point. He's trying to determine wether or not he wants to text Lance.
"Go for apologizing to him. I know his cousin, and if he comes from the same kind of background, I'd go for it," Ashton insists.
"Are you sure it's alright though?" Keith says. Neither him nor Ashton remember Keith eating his food, but it's been disappearing in small portions from his plate.
  "Yes," Ashton says and stands up from his bed. He takes his plate into the kitchen and comes back in the span of about a minute. Keith has his plate set on his desk and he's laying on his bed now. He has his arms laid on his abdomen and is staring at the ceiling.
  "You oughta' text him," Ashton says and sits at his desk, grabbing his phone and ear buds. Keith sighs and pulls out his phone. He pulls up Lance's contact and goes to message.
  I'm sorry about today. Will u forgive me?

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