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(Art above is mine, please do not repost.)

Lance had just gotten out of surgery, and was super out of it. He had a big bandage taped to the side of his face, and it was bruising around his chin.
  "Your mother should be here in about twenty minutes to see Lance, then she's bringing you two," Carla says, pointing to the little ones, "are going home until tomorrow afternoon."
  "What?! Why?!" Luis asks.
  "You guys need to get your schoolwork done, and you didn't bring it here."
  "Why doesn't she just bring it?" Luis asks.
  "It's not her stuff," Carla says. Keith is placed on the foot of Lance's bed with his blanket and his laptop. He has a paper due by Monday morning, and has been working on it since they announced Lance would be brought back.
  The two younger teens whine, and then there is a knock. Keith doesn't look away from his computer as a woman walks in.
  "Hello Carla," she says, and she walks towards her sister.
  "Hi Maria," Carla says and hugs her sister. Maria walks towards her nephew, and then looks at Keith.
  "Hello," she says, attempting to greet Keith.
  Keith turns towards the woman, "Oh, hi, I'm Keith Kogane, Lance's friend." Keith feels a little embarrassed as he reaches out his hand.
  "Nice to meet you Keith. I'm Maria, Carla's sister and Lance's aunt," Maria says, taking Keith's hand. Keith smiles, then they both pulls their hands back. Keith and her both look at Lance in unison, to examine for a second, then turn away.
  "So he's going back in for the other ear tomorrow?" Maria asks Carla.
  "Yeah. Then at the end of the month, coming for a checkup, then the middle of next month a hearing test," Carla says. The two get into a conversation, and Keith is still pecking at the keys. Then he can feel the sheets move. Lance is trying to hit Keith with his foot, but just looks like he's flailing. Keith looks up and Lance reaches his hand out. Keith cocks his head to the side, a look of confusion evident. Lance pokes his head up, opening his right eye, then points to Keith's hand. Keith's face flushes, but reach his hand towards Lance, still confused. Lance takes his hand and hides both of their hands underneath the corner of Keith's blanket.
  "I'm going to head out," Maria says. She walks towards Lance, and he notices, but doesn't move. He just smiles and lets his aunt kiss his cheek as her and her children make their way to the door. Keith keeps typing with his open hand, trying to not make it evident that he is struggling to stay focused.
  "Keith, would you like some lunch?" Lance's father asks as he walks towards the door.
  "Oh, no sir. Thank you," Keith says as he looks up at the older male. Keith keeps typing as Lance rubs his thumb on the back of Keith's hand. They may be about the same height, but Lance just had naturally bigger features. Lance had long slim fingers and a long palm. Keith, on the other hand, had small hands. He had slim fingers, but his features weren't as long or big.
  "Keith, are you sure you don't want anything?" Carla asks as she walks towards the door.
  "No, I'm fine, really. I'll eat when I'm done my paper," Keith says as Carla goes to follow her husband.
  "If you say so. We'll be down in the cafeteria, it's on the second floor," Carla says as she walks out. Lance then pulls at Keith's hand, pulling it above the blanket.
  "What?" Keith mutters to himself as he looks at Lance. Lance just seemed to want Keith to sit closer.
  "Fine," Keith sighs as he lays his laptop next to Lance's head. He pulls his body up closer, making his hips level with Lance's. He places his laptop back in his lap, and Lance rests their hands on his stomach as Keith starts to type again.
  After another twenty minutes, a knock is heard at the door, and a nurse walks in with a tray of food.
  "Oh, are Mister and Misses McClain out?" the nurse asks.
  "Uh, yes. They went to grab lunch," Keith mutters. He can feel his hand shrinking away from Lance's. Lance takes this as a signal to let go because he's uncomfortable, so he does. He starts to sit himself up and shifts a little. Keith can feel a slight guilty feeling in his stomach.
  "Well, I've brought Lance's lunch. Just make sure he doesn't get nauseous, and if he does, don't hesitate to call in a doctor," the nurse says kindly. She scoots the tray towards the bed, and then pushes it to where Lance can grab it.
  "Thank you, I will," Keith says as she leaves. Lance stairs at the food, then looks at Keith. A slight look of disgust is evident on his face, which makes Keith chuckle. Lance looks back at his food, and picks up his fork. The meal consisted of bland foods. He had Jello, a bread roll, and potato soup with crackers. As he takes the first bite, Keith can hear a pop from his jaw. Lance feels it, but decides not to worry about it, since it was probably normal. Keith chuckles again, and gets back to his work.
  Another twenty minutes pass, and both of Lance's parents had made their way back to the room. Keith only had half a paragraph left, and was determined to end it the best way he could think of, but his mind was blank. After about five minutes he gives up and types up something boring and sends it in. Lance had finished his meal a while ago, and left the tray standing next to his bed, half a cup of water left, and a tiny bit of soup sitting at the bottom of the bowl.
  "I'm going to go get food," Keith says as he stands up.
  "Alright. They had some fast food places down there and vending. Do you need any money?" Carla asks.
  "No, I have some. Thank you," Keith says. He stretches his back before placing his laptop in his bag, then grabs his money. He checks how much he has, then walks out of the room.
  He makes his way down to the cafeteria, and decides on something small. He buys a burrito from Taco Bell, then buys a drink from the vending machine. He finishes his meal, then heads back to the room. He was ready for another long night, and an early day tomorrow, but wasn't ready to go home.


(A/N: Hello everyone! (I have accepted in dying alone, my sister is screaming about a boy texting her as I'm writing this...) I loved writing this chapter as well, and I hope you guys enjoyed reading it! I wanted there to be a small story here, but I think I might wait two or three chapters so I can portray it the way I want to.
  Also, go follow me on the Voltron Amino to keep up with what I plan to do next after this book! I will possibly be putting some polls up for ideas, and I might even ask for some help with writing and ideas!

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