First Encounters

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                  five years ago....

     (Y/n) didn't have folks. Nor did she have any siblings that she was aware of. So when (Y/n) found an abandoned pup in a box on the cold streets of New York, like hell she was going to just leave it alone. She could of brought it to the pound, where most stray animals go, but (Y/n) new what it was like to be abandoned on the streets by a family who didn't want your or couldn't afford to take care of you, so she kept the pup for herself.

Being an girl orfan without a penny to her name, let alone a place to stay, (Y/n) had to do whatever it took to take care of the pup, in which she named Walnut due to its beautiful dark brown fur. 

  Now, at the time, (Y/n) was well aqaintinced with a local baker who would occasionally spare he a couple of sweets, but she new sweets did no good for a dog. Having trouble thinking of a way to get food for Walnut, (Y/n) did the only thing she could think of,


                 And so she did.

     Now (Y/n) was currently running away from an angry store owner who'd she had just robbed of a couple  slacks of  uncooked porkbelly. Clever (Y/n) was currently in boy's pants with her hair tucked away into her cap, which covered the upper part of her face. A good disguise, if I do say so myself.

"GET BACK HERE, YOU LITTLE RUNT!!!" The store owner bellowed as he chased after her.

Picking up the pace, (Y/n) ran until she was fully out of sight from the store owner before turning into an alleyway to quickly change out of the disguise. She replaced the pants with her usual tattered skirt and pulled her (h/c) strands of hair out from underneath her cap. She unbuttoned her vest a bit, which hid her chest. Then, she shoved the remaining clothes back into her bag, where the stolen meat was hidden.

  (Y/n) walked out of the alleyway casually, as if nothing had happened. Then, in the distance the store owner's yells could be heard, signaling (Y/n) that he was catching up.  (Y/n) walked at a quick pace hoping not to grab anyone's attention when she was stopped by a newsie boy with a crutch.

  "Excuse me miss, would you'se like te by a newspaper?" He asked in a polite tone.

   The store owner was now in sight. He was asking some other newsies if they had seen her. (Y/n) slightly panicked, but she didn't want to seem rude or out of place to the boy, so she decided to play along.

  "Gee, I would", She said ashamed," but I'es gots no money."

"S'okay." The boy replied with a sweet smile,"Say, you'se got a accent like us newsies! Are you from around here?"

  Just then the store owner began to walk towards you and the newsie with a crutch.

  "A-ah! Yeah, say can I ask you'se a favor?" (Y/n) said quickly.

  "Oh sure! Whatcha need?" The boy seemed trustworthy enough so you told him your situation.

  "Just pretend like I'm one of you'se. Like....a newsie goil r'somthin!!" You say in a shushed tone as the store owner walked closer to the two of you.

"Scuse me you two! Crip, girly, have ya seen a young boy run this way? He stole some meat from my store and I'm tryin' ta catch him."

  The boy shook his head."No sir! I've been sellin' papes out here all day and didn't see notin'."

The store owner turned and looked at (Y/n), causing her to slightly cower behind the boy who was now in front of her.

"What bout' girly?" The store owner questioned getting suspicious,"What's a girl like her out here doing nothin' for, eh?"

"She's," the boy began,"our newest newsie, so I'm showin' her the ropes n' stuff" he finished, turning his head to look at you with a dopey smile and a wink.

"Well if that's the case," the store owner began, "I'll be on my way then."

The boy turned to face you as the store owner walked away. He still had a big dopey smile on his face. "Did I do good?" He joked.

"Yeah yeah, you'se did great. I owe ya big time for that, so thanks." (Y/n) replied with a slight smile.

The boy chuckled,"Say what's ya name?"

"(Y/n) (L/n)." She said confidently, "And you'se are...."

"Crutchie." He replied tipping the edge of his cap in a playful manner.

"Well the name sure suits ya." (Y/n) commented, gesturing to his crutch.

"I guess so.," He shrugged his shoulders."You'se got a place ta stay, (Y/n)?"

She shook her head.

"No huh, then why don't you'se come stay at sleepin', housin' place-a-majig!"

(Y/n) giggled,"Yeah, I guess I'll swing by later. First I gotta go get my dog."

  Crutchie looked astonished,"A dog too?"

"Well who'd you'se thinks this meat is for, eh?" She laughed before running off.

'Crutchie...I've only known him for like, five minutes and it already feels like where best friends...I wonder why?'



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