A Trip to the Past

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A/N: I have a new favorite word: Oof

"Crutchie, you'se need ta' get out of those wet clothes or ya' get sick." (Y/n) said, handing the soaked boy a towel.

"O-okay..thanks." Crutchie replied as he leaned on his crutch for support, leaning against the wall, and dried his dirty blonde hair.

Crutchie handed (Y/n) his cap for her to dry.

She smiled lightly, "I'll go fetch ya' some new clothes."

Once (Y/n) was out of the room, Crutchie set to work, throwing off all of his clothes exempt his bottom undergarments.

"That's much better." He said, stretching out his arms.

Crutchie looked around (Y/n)'s small room. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted something strange poking out from underneath her pillow. Quickly, he adjusted his crutch and made his way over to the bed.

'A book!'

(Y/n) having a book in her possession was nothing new, everyone knew she liked to read, but this one didn't look like the ones she usually carried around. Crutchie decided it was okay for him to just peruse through it a little.

Crutchie sat down on the bed and placed his crutch against the wall.

'Okay, lets see...'

Crutchie picks dip the book and searched for a title on the cover. Not finding one, he opened the book and scanned the first page.


This book is not for stupid newsies named Jack Kelly or Racetrack Higgins . Race, if you don't close this book right now I'm gonna tell the other fellas and Smalls why your actually allowed to sell in Brooklyn. And you know Smalls won't hesitate to make fun of you. So beat it!!


"Welp, I'se isn't Jack or Race so..." Crutchie said,turning another page. He noticed that the words on this page where slightly lighter than the ones in the warning.

March 7,  1989

Dearest little book,

I left all my stuff in my room except a bag with  the three books mother left me and some food I stole from the kitchen. Oh and two pencils or else I wouldn't be able to write. Anyways, I snuck out when the other girls where still sleeping and I almost got away unnoticed, but then Clarrise started crying and then stupid Genevieve started yelling at her to shut up and I got caught by Ms. Gethen. I, of course, was beaten and then I was forced to clean stuff even though it was nearly midnight. I can't write anymore lessons are starting. I hate this place. I swear one day I'm gonna break out of here.

"I'se never heard any of dese' names before.." Crutchie whispered to himself.

March 25, 1989

Dearest little book,

Ms. Gethen is making us girls clean the school because it apparently builds good skills for becoming a wife or something. I think she's just trying to cover for the maids all quitting their jobs here. Welp who'd blame them? I'm kind of upset that all the maids left. There was one that people called 'Daisy' (but she told me that wasn't her real name) and she was the nicest person in this entire place. Daisy's the one who gave this book to me at the beginning of the month. I'm gonna escape because I don't think I'll last here without her.

Crutchie turned the page once more and decided that he'd only read one more entry.

December 24, 1889

Dearest little book,

I can't believe Ms. Gethen took my journal away for eight months because she caught me writing in it during class. The time I've spent with out it have been too much for any six year old to handle. I heard the teachers talking about my mother and stupid stepfather one night sometime in July. Apparently my mother was murdered by my stepfather himself. I've always hated my stepfather. (he's the one whom convinced Mother to send me here) There letting me stay at the school until some dumb aunt or something starts paying because I'm 'above average' smart. No way am I gonna live here for another year. Tonight's Christmas Eve and I'm all alone. I think I'll try to run away again now I've got my book back.

"CRUTCHIE WHAT ARE YOU'SE DOING?!?" (Y/n) shrieked as she re-entered her room.

Crutchie screamed and threw his arms in the air, causing the book to go flying across the room. (Y/n) quickly picked up her book and held it close to her chest. Her face turned bright red due to two factors: Crutchie had read her journal and he was in his underwear.
(A/N: Oof)

"Um...here's your clothes..." She said as she shyly places the stack of clothes next to him.

"Uh thanks." Crutchie said, also a blushing mess.

(Y/n) faced the wall as Crutchie got dressed.

"Done." He said.

(Y/n) sat down next to him in silence, doing her best not to make eye contact.

"Did you'se read it?" She said finally. 

Crutchie looked at his feet in embarrassment.

"Yeah, but not much.."

(Y/n) was silent again, causing Crutchie to worry he'd upset her.

"(Y/n), I-I'm sorry if you'se didn't-,"

(Y/n) jolted up and stopped him.

"No no Crutchie, I'm not upset with you'se!!"

"Then what is it? Why'd you react like dat' den'?!?" 

(Y/n) took a shaky breath and then prepared to explain.

"I'se wrote some stuff in there...that I don't like talkin' about.." She whispered.

Crutchie scooted closer to (Y/n) gestured for her to continue.

"What?" She said, smiling softly.

"Well?" Crutchie giggled. "Are ya' gonna tell me you're story r'what?"

"Well how far didja read?"

Crutchie gently took the book from her and flipped to the page he'd finished.

"Here." He said pointing.

(Y/n) read the date over and over again, remembering everything that happened.

"Uh...lets just read da' rest of it."

nnnnnnnnnnnext chapter will be longer!!!
Okay so there's this dude who's basically my husband but we're not married but people keep acting like we are which is cool bc I wanna marry him anyway and he said he want to watch Newsies and I was like "Is that proposal?" 😘

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