Draco x Reader ~ A Golden Child

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A/N: like how in the Harry x reader, you were Draco's sibling, in this, You're Harry's sibling. Why? Because I'm a piece of shit, that's why.

Here's the guide:

Y/N: Your name (first name)

Y/L/N: Your last name (not important in this one shot though.

Y/F/N: your full name

Y/H/C: your hair color

Y/E/C: your eye color.

Girls version is first, the guys is second, whoop de fucking doo.


Female version

Stupid fucking brother, with his stupid fame and Gryffindor status. No one gave Y/N the time of day.

She could still remember when she got sorted into Slytherin. Everyone who knew her, even her brother, seemed horrified.

That's just how Hogwarts is though, isn't it?

The Slytherin's weren't bad! There were a few bad nuts, but most of them were just misguided children who were genuinely nice to talk to and hang out with.

"Why do people need to basically push Slytherins to become their stereotype?" Y/N muttered, pulling her legs to her chest, the warm fire of the common room warming her body. Everyone was at the stupid quidditch game. It was Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw. Y/N didn't have to be there since it wasn't her team playing.

"Y/N? You stay back too?" Y/N nearly jumped, but didn't seeing that it was simply Draco.

"Yeah, Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just done with my brother."

"Yeah, Potter is a real arse." Draco agreed, sitting next to Y/N, wrapping an arm around her.

Y/N smiled at Draco's reassuring presence. He wasn't as bad as people made him out to be, just a scared kid. "Yeah. Outside of school, he'll talk to me, expecting me to forgive every little thing he did, then immediately treat me like the plague the minute we get back. He wonKt even sit in the same train car as me!"

"What?" Draco snorted, "That's such a rude thing to do. Especially to your own flesh and blood sister!"

Y/N just nodded, leaning more into Draco. They had become close friends first year, a better relationship than Harry and Ron, that's for sure. She sighed, "he acts as if we didn't go through everything together. Year one, we both rescued the philosophers stone, year two, he chases away the basilisk as I tried to cure Ginny, help her. Year three, we both saved Sirius Black since he was wrongly accused and he was our god damn godfather. Year Four, both of our names were pulled, and we both watched Cedric die, and I was crying even harder than he was, because I felt more gravity. Year five, we both dealt with nightmares from Voldemort, and we both saw our godfather die! Now he acts like none of that matters at all to him."

"I wish I could just go and beat him up for hurting you." Draco muttered.

"It's honestly not worth it. Thank you though, for being there by my side," Y/N grabbed Draco's free hand. Her eyes watering a bit.

"He made your cry, it's definitely worth it."

"You're too sweet Draco," Y/N sniffled, "But even if he's a dick, he's still my brother." She started to cry.

"And they say Slytherins are bad." They sat there before they heard the familiar shuffle of people, Y/N's eyes still puffy and tears still running down her face.

A lot of people walked straight past the pair, but a lot of them rushed over seeing Y/N.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Pansy asked.

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