Draco x Harry ~ Stupid Cupid (High School Au)

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A/N: Yes, This also involves Cupid. Percy isn't Cupid this time though. Neither are Harry or Draco. Okay, moving on.


The classes seemed to drag on for multiple eternities, especially being stuck in the same class as Malfoy.

Harry shared all his classes with that dressed man, and what's worse, most of the time they were sat next to each other because of how close their last names were.

It was rare that they were ever sat apart.

Because of all their, they couldn't escape each other. Each and every day, the same fucking face they were forced to look at.

It didn't help that their parents were friends and often hung out with each other, forcing the boys to see each other even more often.

Then they each accidentally scared away all the girls interested in the other, just by being intimidating.

With Valentine's Day around the corner, it was hell. Literal hell.

"And another couple gets together," Harry muttered under his breath, seeing Percy and Oliver walking the halls holding hands. Cute couple.

"You could try and get a girlfriend," Ron huffed.

Hermione added, "or boyfriend!"

"It doesn't help that Malfoy is constantly breathing down his neck." Ron reminded.

Hermione rolled her eyes, "Yes, blame him because it's only the fault of one and not the other-"


"Ron," Hermione sighed, "you're an idiot."

Harry smiled at his friends, they were all chilling in the front of the school, Ron and Harry having just finished Practice.

Then Draco walked over.

"What do-"

"Zip it Weasley. Your mum told me you got into an accident last night and your car was totaled, I'm driving you home," Draco informed Harry.

"I was actually going to ha-"

Draco rolled his eyes as he cut me off, "your mum was adamant. I wouldn't be driving you otherwise."

"Fine," Harry got up, "see you guys around." The pair headed off and Draco seemed a bit...


Even when they got int the car and on the road Draco seemed distracted.


"Now you use my actual name?" He spat.

"Like you use mine?"

He went silent, "what is it?"

"You okay? You seem off today," Harry asked.

"You should be the one off. You got into an accident yesterday. They had to rush you to the hospital! Yet you still showed up and went to practice and-"

"I wasn't injured to badly, just some scrapes."

Draco sighed, it seemed like relief, and annoyance though. Harry didn't know what to think of it when they pulled up at Harry's house.

"Thanks for the ride. You want to come inside for a drink or something?" Harry offered.

"Your mum would probably be delighted if I did. Sure, why not."

The two entered Harry's house and made way to the kitchen, and Draco grabbed a tea from the fridge, knowing full well Lily Potter kept them stocked in their for Draco.

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