Percy x Oliver ~ The Blunt Quidditch Player

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A/N: once again, another they request by @EmpressOfNothingness . I also loved the title they gave in the request so I decided to use it. I mean, it's perfect. Also, most of Oliver's quotes before the romance also came from them.

Warning: things get spicy and NSFW

And also, don't have sex in locker rooms.

Just... ew.





Even though Hogwarts was yet to be in the era of pride, the Hogwarts school didn't seemed all that opposed to the idea of homosexuality. Most of the community actually was accepted.

Except by the pure blood Slytherin's and the occasional muggle born, but you can't win them all.

Well, Pride was in the air with the very open and proud Harry, who loved men and woman alike. Open With Ginny, who fell for personality and not faces. Open with Luna who swung one way or another, hard to tell. Open with Draco, who was gayer than gay can be(only open at the school). And then there was Percy.

Percy was proud of himself. He was an awkward gay and he embraced it. Didn't help that his best friend, straight as a ruler, teased him nonstop.

It wasn't harmful, just bloody embarrassing . Though, no one seemed to mind it. Oliver's jokes in a way, normalized Percy's and many other's sexuality. He acted the same way you would with any friend.

Percy didn't mind the jokes, but sometimes, he honestly questioned if Oliver was as straight as he claimed he was.

It also sucked that Oliver sucked at timing.

Percy could be reading in the great hall with his family doing his homework and suddenly, Oliver would just slide besides Percy and suddenly, "you know, sometimes I wonder what it would be like to suck a guy's dick. Mind if I try it on you?"

Percy's ears would redden and he'd jokingly slap his friend with the book he was reading as his family and nearby Gryffindor's would snicker.

Other times Percy would be working on an assignment in class and just as the teacher stepped out, Oliver would jump right in, "if you ever feel down I can show you a good time."

Or it was just a thing to defuse a situation with humor. When Percy was frustrated he'd bite his lip and Oliver couldn't help but he cheeky.

"Watching you bite your lip like that has some very naughty thoughts come to mind. So if you don't stop, I might take you right here, right now."

And Percy would just groan, "shut up Oliver." Then he'd laugh, because Oliver was simply just being a goofy friend who really didn't sound very straight.

The twins or some Gryffindor would pry, "are you sure you aren't into guys? If I didn't know better, I would assume you two were an item."

"No, no, I'm one hundred percent sure I'm striaght," Oliver would defend, laughing as he put an arm around Percy who went back to whatever he was doing.

It was an endless cycle and that was most of their Hogwarts life.

"Hey Percy, I know exams are making your angry, but I bet I can make you scream."

"Oliver, I'm trying to study."

"I could treat you like homework, slam you on the desk and do you all night long."

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