Percy x Oliver ~ Are We?

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A/N: a late happy halloween! I mean, depends when I finally publish this. It's Halloween night when I started, so there's that. I was both America and Dipper.

Also, I have no idea, but whenever Percy and Oliver seek help when I write one shots, they go to the trio? It makes no sense but I love writing them as judgmental kids.

It's not like they were a couple, they weren't even dating! It was more like that had mutual interest in each other and understood that, and just expected things to be fine.

They hung out all the time, studied together, worked together, cuddled, but never did anything other than that. They never kissed, went on a date, or had sex, so it was a matter of if they actually liked each other. No one really even knew.

"Are you and Oliver actually dating?" Harry asked during breakfast one morning.

"Nope." Percy hummed in response.

Hermione raised a brow, "but you both know you like each other?"



"Neither of us have really bothered to officially ask the other out. It's a waiting game at this point." Percy admitted, his voice calm.

"Aren't you worried someone will take him away if you don't seal the deal?" Ron asked.

"Not really. He's too focused of winning this year to really care."

Harry raised a brow, "what if someone new catches your fancy?"

"Then he'll have to move quick? We're stuck in a perpetual cat and mouse game and neither of us want to end it it seems." Percy let out a heavy sigh, a tired sigh. The game was getting old.

"You could ask him out yourself?" Hermione suggested.

Percy scoffed at the idea, "every time I try, he suddenly has something to do, so I'll pass."

"Are," Harry's eyes darted Over to Oliver, further down the table, "are you sure you should date him then if he makes no time for you? You're literally his best friend as well, it makes it seem like he's avoiding you."

"Yeah, I've been wondering that myself lately," Percy admitted, his shoulders sagging.

"Give it someone thought."

"I'm going to go do my rounds. If Oliver asks where I am... that will be a first." Then Percy left, and the trio just sighed.

Hermione spoke up first, "so Oliver is the idiot here, right?"

"Yup," The pair agreed, nodding their heads solemnly and returning to to their food.

It wasn't too long after that Oliver approached, "Hey, have either of you two seen Oliver," he asked, "I need to talk to him about something."

"You should know, you're his best friend."

"You three sounds so angry at me, what did I do?"

Ron sighed, "You like Percy, right?"


"Percy is having doubts about your feelings."

"What?! Why?!"

"Well," Harry raised a brow, "he says you sometimes interrupt him when he's trying to speak, or that you're suddenly busy."

"He's like family to Harry and I, but he's Ron's actual brother, so why don't you at least try to show your affection for him. If you don't, he'll find someone new."

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