Percy x Oliver ~ Long Distance (Au)

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A/N: Sorry this took so long! I didn't mean to, things happened.


Percy powered in his laptop, just in time to receive the all to familiar ring of Skype. With a smile, he answered the call as his beautiful, wonderful, boyfriend appeared on the other end.

"Hey Percy, how's school in America?" Oliver asked warmly.

"Boring as all hell. Everyone here loves my accent though. What about you? Still playing "soccer " as the American's call it?" Percy joked.

Oliver laughed, "Yeah, I'm still playing."

"That's good," Percy hummed, "I really miss you."

Oliver flushed, scratching the back of his neck, "I miss you too." Percy flushed himself, averting his eyes.

"The long distance is killing me," Percy whispered, sighing heavily.

Oliver nodded, "it's almost been six months since we last, you know?"

"It has been," Percy agreed, "well, I'm coming to visit in a couple months for Spring break."

"Then you'll finish college in the summer and we can finally be together again." Oliver said in soft content.

Percy sighed, "I have one more year, remember?"

"What?" Oliver exclaimed, "that blows. I'm happy you get to pursue your dream, but I also want to be there with you."

"I know."

The two looked at their hands, then gently at the screen, one room covered in darkness, the other flooded with daylight.

"Well, we can say that our love for each other is stronger than before."

"That much is true."

The two had been dating since their freshman year of high school and somehow, against all odds, they stayed together.

Not many people knew they were dating, just family and family friends. Even then, it took them awhile to admit they were dating to everyone.

"Oh, I sent you something in the mail, should be arriving soon," Oliver informed.

Percy raised a brow, "what did you send me? I swear to merlin if you sent me-"

"I'm not telling you," Oliver smiled, "you'll have to wait and see it. It is personal, so I'd rather you open it in your room."

"Making me wary here."

"It's nothing bad, I promise."

Percy huffed, "I'll hold you to that you know."

"I know," he chuckled, "I know."

"You about to leave for practice?" Percy asked.

"Unfortunately yes. I wanted to wish you goodnight before I left though."

"As expected of you. Have a nice day Oliver."

"Goodnight Percy, sweet dreams." Oliver cancels the call and Percy sat, staring at the blank screen, wanting so desperately to go back home, but his studies kept him in America, hundreds of miles away from Oliver.

It was lonely without his boyfriend.

"Percy, man, you have anyone back home in England?" One of Percy's American friends asked. Her name was Cammy?

"Do you mean if I have a lover?"

"Of course that's what she means." Some guy named Nico something something huffed.

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