Draco x ( Hermione )x Harry ~ An Excuse

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A/N: a request from the wonderful and beautiful IIstagramGirl3 . She was the one who got me into Percy x Oliver and she writes pretty amazing stuff. Go check her out!

I changed up the request a bit too, just so the flow would work better, that and I wanted Hermione and Ron to be more prominent in this.

I also love adding unneeded drama.


"Hermione, let's grab a butter beer sometime." Harry suggested, grooming next to Hermione as she walked down the halls.

She rolled her eyes, "still on that? Don't you think your joke has gone too far?"

Harry's brow's scrunched together in confusion, "what are you talking about. I like you. As more than just a friend."

"You heard the lady, stop joking around Potter, you just don't want her around me." Draco snorted, coming from seemingly nowhere.

"Hate to break it to you, but you have no affect on my love life," Harry scoffed harshly.

Hermione worriedly glanced between the two, who flanked both sides of her. She just got through everything with Ron, how their relationship was purely only as friends.

Harry and Draco fighting so earnestly over her just confused her.

Her heart stirred, but didn't shift in either of their directions.

She needed time to think about all of this.

"Hermione, do you really think I'm joking? I swear that I like you!" Harry exclaimed.

She sighed, "both of you need to give me time to think. It came out of the blue, that's all."

The boys froze, and they didn't realize they were drawing a crowd.

"Alright, we'll back off for now." Draco hummed.

Harry smirked, holding out an arm to Hermione, "Let me walk you to class at least. We don't want to be late."

Hermione rolled her eyes, but took Harry's arm, heading off.

Draco grit his teeth, watching Hermione leave with Harry, "honestly, who does he expect will believe him?"

"Where did this sudden interest in granger come from?" Pansy asked, looking dejected.

Blaise nodded, "I'm curious what you like about her. After all, she's a mudblood."

"I wish you'd stop calling her that."

"Draco," Pansy sighed, "you've called her all that up until now. Seriously, what's the appeal?"

Draco smiled a bit, his lips just barely curving, "very charismatic, and kind, if not ambitious."

"There's a lot of pure bloods like that you know?" Pansy pointed out.

"It's not just that. I admire they way she faces danger head on, standing it down with a scowl, never afraid to stand up for herself or others."

Blaise glanced at Draco, "are you sure it's Hermione that you like?"

"Of course!"

Blaise kept silent, sealing his thoughts for now. 'What was the fun in telling him the truth? He should figure things out for himself.'

It didn't take very long to notice Hermione seemed to have Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter wrapped around her finger. Not that she even asked for it.

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