Draco x Harry ~ Why We Work

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A/N: I'm not dead! I've just been, busy and wanted to focus on original characters for awhile. Sorry about leaving all of you hanging.


The air was thick with tension. It choked out every clean breath from Harry's lungs, his green eyes staring up at the ceiling, trying to focus as the room spun around him.

A bloody cold.

Harry Potter was completely defenseless because of a bloody cold.

It was entirely his fault for getting it though. If he hadn't stayed outside in the cold too long during his last mission, or if he simply used hand sanitizer or washed his hand when he got home, he wouldn't be suffering.

Yet he was, sitting in his boxers under his sheets, sweat dripping down his body in a very desperate attempt to cool his body down.

He sent an owl to Hermione to see if anyone could drop of medicine as if he tried to stand up, he would fall and possibly never get back up.

While trying to stop his mind from spinning, he heard the front door lock click, the door opening in a very calm manner.

So it wasn't Ron who dropped by.

"I'm here!" Harry croaked in miserable groan, hearing footsteps headed his way. He tried to collect himself by closing his eyes, his stomach lurching harshly in the process.

He shot up like a bullet and reached for the trashcan beside his bed, able to hold it in place as he commuted yesterday's lunch into it.

"Merlin, she wasn't kidding when she said it was bad."

Harry groaned and lifted his head, grabbing a tissue to wipe away to vomit that might be on his mouth. His gaze flickered to his guest, eyes widening in slight surprise to see Draco Malfoy there in his regal glory.

His hands were full, holding bags of things that was presumably help Harry; his silver eyes were trained on him, studying him curiously, pale pink lips curved into a worried smile. His blond hair was still impeccable though.


Draco gave a stiff nod, setting the items in his hands down by the foot of Harry's bed, "who else?"

"Come to see me suffering?"

"No," he said calmly. "I came to alleviate it. Granger wanted to come herself, but Weasley and her had a mission they were sent on."


Draco sighed and left the room. Harry wondered why until Draco came back a minute later with a slightly damp rag. The amount of time it took for Draco to walk over and push Harry back in bed was too quick to count, slapping the cold rag on his head. Harry shivered at the sensation.

"That should help you feel better."

"I'm still too sweaty for my own good."

Draco quirked a brow upwards, "That so? Well, I'm get another rag to wipe you down."

"That's not-"

"I don't need Granger yelling at me for half-assing this, so please, be quiet."


He left the room once more, leaving Harry to just have his thought to himself, which mostly revolves around why Hermione decided Draco was the best person to send.

He wasn't a bad guy, he supposed, at the end of the war it was easy to see that he was just as terrified as everyone else was. Still, the pair had never gotten along, so it was hard to believe Draco was there to take care of him.

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